Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
As far as my understanding goes, the rules of jump-on are more "implied rules". Some staff may argue that we are a filesharing site, so really sharing files is the whole point of the mattter. Other staff may not view jump on seeders very kindly on a new upload. It would also depend on the nature of the jump on. I personally take a viewpoint of it's not a nice thing to jump on to seeding a new upload because it cheats the uploader of the full credit of the 1.000 ratio of the file. That being said however, I cannot say that my personal view is nescessarily that of this site. Perhaps mgr can shed some light on the subject at some point.
Either way, jump on seeders don't bother me because I have a seedbox (which I'm expanding), which maintains my ratio on an upward incline on its own giving me 12 SBP / day. I cannot say that it is fair to expect all users to have the same kind of setup for a variety of reasons. So really, that's kind of a subject that I'd like to see a a more even loosely described rule regarding jump on seeders.
…I personally take a viewpoint of it's not a nice thing to jump on to seeding a new upload because it cheats the uploader of the full credit of the 1.000 ratio of the file. That being said however, I cannot say that my personal view is nescessarily that of this site. Perhaps mgr can shed some light on the subject at some point.
Hey MrMazda
Then I guess we all agree it's not a nice thing at all to jump on during a fresh upload.
You're asking about Mgr's opinion : he clearly wrote this in his 1st answer : "jumping on a new upload is extremely unfair too!"
Better not talk about Uwe who can't stand it, when he writes in the precedent attached pic : "That is clearly something we do not like to see!"Btw, you note both of them ended their sentences with exclamation marks, and let me tell you that when those 2 quiet guys use exclamation marks, it's because they don't like at all this situation.
What bothers me in jump-on is not only the ratio problem : I spend a long time preparing the descriptive pics, more than you'll imagine. Why should we accept that a guy who hasn't prepared anything jumps on our fresh torrents when he didn't prepare anything (description, torrent preparation, PICS prepared, numbered and sorted etc…)
As I did for my last "jumped-on" torrent, I prefer 100 times to delete my fresh torrent after 10 minutes of upload, as soon as I notice a jump-on user, instead of letting him seed with me and take credit for something he hasn't prepared at all.
It's a pity for the leechers who started to download and don't understand why their download stopped suddenly (the torrent being deleted) . It's a pity too in case the "jump-on" seeder was honest (as described in my precedent message), that's why a technical possibility would be welcome in case it allows to reject seeder #2 when there are 0 snatchers.Also, as you suggested, it would be great to resume this "jump-on" situation in GT rules / FAQ , so all users would be warned (ok ok, many users don't read rules / FAQ but that's their problem : they're supposed to read them and they agreed with them when they registered)
Btw, why not sending from time to time a grouped message to ALL GT users ?
Something like : "Warning : in case you already got (from another source than GT) a movie that is currently uploaded by a user, don't add yourself as seeder in his torrent until his torrent has been snatched 3-4 times. If you don't respect this rule, you're "jumping on" his fresh torrent, taking his credits and this is NOT tolerated. If you're caught doing this etc..."I'm sure that if ALL users receive this same message, the few "jump-on" users who do it intentionnaly will think twice before doing it again...unless they're poker players.
Also I would like to make a clear distinction between two different things :
When a user is uploading a fresh torrent, he's asked to keep on seeding until there are 3-4 seeders (i.e 3 other seeders + him), then only he can stop seeding (when he sees THREE other seeders)
When a user wants to "jump on" a torrent, he should (imho) only check how many users have snatched the torrent. Do we agree with that ?
If he finds that 3 users already snatched the torrent, then he should be allowed to add himself as seeder...even if there is only 1 seeder. This should solve both cases :
- If it's a new torrent, and it has been snatched 3 times (or more), there will certainly be more than one seeder.
- But if it's an old torrent, it's possible that there is only 1 seeder (plus many snatchers)
My point is the number of "snatchers" is much more important than the number of seeders, when it comes to the "jump on" issue.
In case I'm mistaken, please let me know, thanks -
This situation will take some time to fix but we ( Staff ) must attack this problem with serious intentions to end this practice.
Certainly the rules need to include a firm warning not to practice this "jumping on" and a specific punishment for the first offense and etc….. And needs to be announced on the front page as a warning to read this newly revised rule.
I am not sure how easily this Mass PM is with our system. Only Mike could answer that question.
1 question that got me confused … if they have the file from elsewhere, why don't they just create and take credit for it?
why wait for some1 else to create?I'm not sure but i suspect this might work to prevent "jump-in".
making minor alterations to the file you have should cause the file to acquire a different characteristic and whoever trying to perform the jump may find that their existing file lost.
theoretical and might generate some bad blood. I'd prefer if there's no need for such a measure but ... personal preference prevails.eg.
-editing the file to change the size. (adding/cutting a 5 second intro or credit)
-change the encoding.
-[contributor input]p/s: if you choose to add stuff, please refrain from adding too much redundant stuff. I had the misfortune of download some files that turned out 1/2 the video was repeating itself!
turned out that the video was only 1gb but downloaders were forced to leech 2gb++ just to watch. :cry2: -
This is not an unusual marketing ploy. Many studios, such as Falcon, repackage their videos in various collections and "specials". For them, it's all about the money.
..pretty pictures aside, back to the main issue Pleeeze:
There are many things software cannot pick up, which is all the reason for rules to be in place. Software can't recognize images of under age actors, so we have a rule forbidding these things and depend on the vigilance of our members to enforce the rules. There's no reason a rule against seed stealing shouldn't be in place. Policing may not be consistent, but a rule in place will give initial seeders the option to report such behavior. With no rule, the reporting of seed stealing appears a mere whiney complaint. With a rule in place, reporting the activity is a legitimate attempt to keep all in check and hold members responsible for their behavior. Certainly moderators and staff have not previously hesitated to add to the list of rules currently in place - with or without mention of source code.As with the original poster, I take the time to create and upload torrents and expect to receive the benefits that go along with doing so. Not out of some sort of greed or need to be a hero, but because balancing my ratio is a basic necessity to remaining an active, responsible member and is necessary to moving on up the Gaytorrent ladder (I upload and upload, and have yet to be allowed more than a 2 torrent limit; And the rank of "power user" seems like pie in the sky at this point. But, I digress…).
Before reading this forum, I had no idea that seed stealing was a problem (or even possible). Apparently neither did the seed stealer in question: He was merely attempting to super seed. With no rule in place he had no idea what he was doing is wrong - or at least frowned upon. Isn't this what rules are for: a listing of what is and is not allowed? No source code changes or even additional programing required.
I sincerely enjoy these serious discussions and enjoy members actually taking the time to discuss and debate issues relevant to the site. Apathy is such an easy pussy cop out.
I'm happy when people help me seed my uploads. Even more so now that my ISP is enforcing a 300GB data cap (up/down).
It is bad practice to cut in front of people who are trying to fix their ratio, I agree. I don't think this should be added to the rules tho.
What if someone is uploading at turtle speed, crippled handicapped turtle speed even? No one likes slow downloads.
What if the uploader already has a decent enough ratio and someone jumped on the torrent who has a very poor ratio and is trying to repair it?I'd prefer to develop a guideline rather than enforce a rule.
1 question that got me confused … if they have the file from elsewhere, why don't they just create and take credit for it?
why wait for some1 else to create?No need to wait IMO. Odds are it's bound to happen anyhow, and the majority time the "original" uploader got it from somewhere else himself instead of ripping it. People should upload here first anyways, right?
p/s: if you choose to add stuff, please refrain from adding too much redundant stuff. I had the misfortune of download some files that turned out 1/2 the video was repeating itself!
turned out that the video was only 1gb but downloaders were forced to leech 2gb++ just to watch. :cry2:Are those torrents here? Do you remember which ones they are?
Well this is really interesting now, thanks to newcomers in this topic, mrmazda, beercan, stealfire (thanks for your kind PM), trukr (who really should be more present in this forum, see how interesting is his last message and the good questions he asks)
Trukr asks : "What if someone is uploading at turtle speed, crippled handicapped turtle speed even? No one likes slow downloads"
( I laughed so much, reading "crippled handicapped turtle speed even" :rotfl: )
Well it's sure that having an avg upload speed of 214Kb/s (as shown under your avatar in the left column, also it's probably a bit greater while you upload a fresh torrent) can't compare to my 28Kb/s maximum (same for MrMazda I guess, and many others)So "turtle speed" is sure very relative, depending on each user's avg ul/dl speeds.
That's why each user should know what is the maximum size of any fresh torrent he should be allowed to upload, so other users won't have to wait indefinitely. I remember having asked this to a Mod who told me 1Gb should be my max (i.e 28Kb/s => 100Mb/h => 1Gb/10h)And in fact I stick to this rule : if you search for "blackdid" (unquoted) in the torrent search window, sorted by torrent size descending, I never uploaded anything bigger than 600Mb in my 31 uploads…because I don't want downloaders to wait too long before they got a full copy of the torrent.
I remember too that a new discussion in another topic showed that Uwe, Mgr etc... hadn't a problem while waiting many hours / days during a single download, in case they wanted the torrent really bad ("torrent = patience" they said lol)
So it's a real difficult question , but if guys who have a "slow" upload connection (like mine, constant 28Kb/s) know that they shouldn't upload BIG torrents of 2 or 3GB (not talking about full DVD's) then there's no reason for us to accept that a "jump on" seeder appears too early (i.e. until 3-4 leechers snatched my fresh torrent) , not talking about all the torrent preparation done by the original uploader.
I have a suggestion : maybe our profile should reflect if we agree (or not) to have a "jump-on" seeder in our fresh torrents : this could be an additional field in our profile and each one could answer yes or no.
- In case you have a great upload speed, you could answer yes
- In case you got a low upload speed but absolutely no ratio problem, you could also answer yes
- In case you got a low upload speed and ratio problem, you could answer no
Well each one would answer as he likes, and each one could change his "no" to "yes" the day his ratio issue has been solved. This, added to a programmed condition (if fresh torrent => if 2nd seeder => check profile : if user doesn't accept "jump-on" => if snatched = 0 => reject 2nd seeder cause he is a "jump-on" seeder) could maybe help ?
This solution could also answer your 2nd question : "What if the uploader already has a decent enough ratio and someone jumped on the torrent who has a very poor ratio and is trying to repair it?"
In case the uploader has a decent enough ratio, he could have selected "Yes, I accept jump-on" in his profile -
Thx amice
You'll probably delete all these 5 last messages (starting with yours, asking if there was a problem to merge)
After those 5 messages are deleted, please delete also the last line(s) of my last message, starting with :
"PS: I'd like to add a link to an older "jump-on" topic …"(these last lines are different from the ones you already scratched, where you wrote : "amice: this posting got inaccurate after merging, will be deleted somewhat later...")
Also, stealfire got 2 dup messages (just before trukr message) with only the 1st line being different between them. Please feel free to delete one of them.
Thanks a lot for your hard work and sorry for the inconvenience
I think it won't exactly be easy to establish a clear cut guideline on the subject. There are many factors to take into account with jump-on torrents. Upload speeds only begins to scratch the surface. File size, the user's ratio, etc. are all contributing factors to whether or not such a practice is acceptable.
While there lies the arguement of it increases the download speed because nobody likes a slow download, this is not the only factor involved. I think taking a look at the ratio of both the uploader and the jump on seeder is an essential key to take into account. For example, if a user is trying to fix their ratio because of a low ratio warning and a jump on seeder with a ratio of like 6.2 for example jumps on to try and cheat the user out of good and fair ratio, personally, I'd want to punch the jump on in the face. No… I don't condone violence, but sometimes it is nescessary to give users a few light slams every now and then :rotfl:
On the other hand, you could argue that this is a file sharing site, and as such, the purpose of this site is to share files. If the purpose of this site is to share files, then in theory a jump on seeder would be a much praised thing. That being said however, as previously mentioned, not all circumstances ar the same. As a filesharing site, I believe it to be in everyone's best interest to establish a more set guideline. Where's the distinguishing point between acceptable use and crossing the line of "No acts of douchebaggery"?
So... All things taken into account, again I go back to the same question. What is the ratio and objective of the uploader in this case, and what is the ratio of the jump on seeder? Is there an act of douchebaggery in this case?
Some users don't finish seeding their torrents, or don't seed straight on through at least until they've distributed 3-4 copies.
Jumping on such torrents ensures their availability. Just another example of where jumping on a torrent can help.
Of course no one can predict what the uploader will do.I think that the people who jump on torrents mean well in most cases.
I'd like to see evidence that this is some sort of crisis before we work on making more rules. We have plenty enough rules already.
I'm not against forming a guideline or rule for this if there is a true need for it.IMO people who jump on torrents help everyone out way more often than they hurt an uploader, and I have my doubts as to how often uploaders are really hurt by people jumping on their torrent.
Well this is really interesting now, thanks to newcomers in this topic, mrmazda, beercan, stealfire (thanks for your kind PM), trukr (who really should be more present in this forum, see how interesting is his last message and the good questions he asks)
I'd like to have time to be here more, for months I haven't been able to. There were times where I haven't been here in over a month. My BF had some serious health problems (and still has some), it's busy season on my real job, and I had some nasty problems at work too. I hope to be here regularly again soon. Things seem to be settling down, which is good because I don't think I could have taken much more stress.
Trukr asks : "What if someone is uploading at turtle speed, crippled handicapped turtle speed even? No one likes slow downloads"
( I laughed so much, reading "crippled handicapped turtle speed even" :rotfl: )
Well it's sure that having an avg upload speed of 214Kb/s (as shown under your avatar in the left column, also it's probably a bit greater while you upload a fresh torrent) can't compare to my 28Kb/s maximum (same for MrMazda I guess, and many others)So "turtle speed" is sure very relative, depending on each user's avg ul/dl speeds.
That's why each user should know what is the maximum size of any fresh torrent he should be allowed to upload, so other users won't have to wait indefinitely. I remember having asked this to a Mod who told me 1Gb should be my max (i.e 28Kb/s => 100Mb/h => 1Gb/10h)And in fact I stick to this rule : if you search for "blackdid" (unquoted) in the torrent search window, sorted by torrent size descending, I never uploaded anything bigger than 600Mb in my 31 uploads…because I don't want downloaders to wait too long before they got a full copy of the torrent.
I remember too that a new discussion in another topic showed that Uwe, Mgr etc... hadn't a problem while waiting many hours / days during a single download, in case they wanted the torrent really bad ("torrent = patience" they said lol)
So it's a real difficult question , but if guys who have a "slow" upload connection (like mine, constant 28Kb/s) know that they shouldn't upload BIG torrents of 2 or 3GB (not talking about full DVD's) then there's no reason for us to accept that a "jump on" seeder appears too early (i.e. until 3-4 leechers snatched my fresh torrent) , not talking about all the torrent preparation done by the original uploader.
Your upload speed isn't as slow as what I had in mind for a turtle…or crippled turtle. I was thinking about people who upload at -2kB to 5kB max.
In that situation I think leechers would love people jumping on the torrent to help them out (file sharing isn't ALL about the uploader ;)).I don't agree with you having any upload restrictions being placed on you concerning the file size. It would be OK if you uploaded much larger files such as full DVD for example, or even a site rip of several GB. Getting stuff slowly, eventually, one day, is better than never at all.
Ignore the mod who has enslaved you!! :nutki::P I have set you free!I have blessed you with my divine permission to do so.
Carry on.
Seriously tho, I don't agree with that, and there is no rule or guideline even. Most of all, it doesn't make sense. Anyone can upload what they want size-wise (as long as no rules are broken such as the collection rules), and leechers can be patient and hope other seeders join in if it's slow going.I agree with most of the rest of your post regarding a guideline.
IMO the programming part wouldn't be beneficial overall for the reasons I've already given throughout my posts. It would hurt the community while maybe helping only a few. -
I was about to add a comment but it was so sooooooo long that I just saved it as draft, waiting to be re-worked lol
I even don't see why you shouldn't upload DVD (including double layer). In 2 to 4 days it is all done and the 'slow' download speed concerns only the initial upload period.
I would tend to agree with Uwe on that one. As far as the download goes, once one or two users have snagged it, there are more available people with the whole file to download from
Trukr, Uwe, MrMazda : thanks for your input
…I'm not sure but i suspect this might work to prevent "jump-in".
making minor alterations to the file you have should cause the file to acquire a different characteristic and whoever trying to perform the jump may find that their existing file lost.
theoretical and might generate some bad blood. I'd prefer if there's no need for such a measure but ... personal preference prevails.eg.
-editing the file to change the size. (adding/cutting a 5 second intro or credit)
-change the encoding.
-[contributor input]Beercan, this is exactly what I was experimenting !
1) 1st try : alter the last byte of an .avi file (with an hexadecimal editor able to re-write part of files…or even sectors on your hard drive, that's a dangerous program !)
This 1st try didn't give good results, why you ask ?
Because the altered avi file kept its original size and only 1 byte is altered in it, so the "jump-on" guy (who has a copy of the non altered movie) will have his torrent client program download...only the last block of the file (which contains the altered byte) then immediately seed the whole altered movie : he'll jump on your torrent after 1 second, instead of jumping on it after 0 seconds, so you won't get rid of him with this 1st try.Also, some movies (like mp4 files) need important informations found at the very end of the file, so it maybe dangerous to alter the last byte if you're not sure of its "importance", depending on the file extension.
2) 2nd try : alter the whole .avi file by cutting 1/10th of seconds at the end of the file.
This can be done with good multimedia programs who extract parts of the movie without any recompression (though I guess all key frames are rewritten, but the movie itself stays unchanged) . It takes a bunch of seconds to extract 1GB, depending on your hard drive speed.You can verify the extraction went fine by playing the altered movie in Vlc (for example), dragging the cursor to fastforward to any part of the movie : the new scene should appear immediately, as when you did it with the original movie.
Now the "jump-on" guy won't be able to be added as "seeder" until he downloads a complete copy of the altered file.
3) I didn't try the merge of 2 files (i.e the original movie + the last duplicated second of the movie that you extracted in a separated short movie file)
It should work too, but why complicate things and add a phase (i.e extract 1 second at the end of the movie with a multimedia splitter program, THEN combine the original movie + the duplicated last second with a multimedia joiner program that doesn't recompress the movie)
If test #2 worked, I won't try test #3…even if I'm very curious
Because it's not only theorical tests, I took the place of a "jump-on" member, re-downloading from GT a couple of my own torrents (the ones I uploaded) to analyze what will happen when the client program (utorrent) finds an altered copy of the movie (like in tests #1 and #2)PS: I don't see any interest in changing the encoding : if I have to wait many minutes (or hours) to transform an avi to a wmv (for example) WITH image quality degradation, it's not worth any more : you're not sure a "jump-on" guy will jump on your torrent, so why losing a long time to prevent this. I accept to lose 1-2 min before a new upload, by cutting the last 1/10th of second in the movie, but I won't accept to lose 1 hour (and degrade the image quality) for this...
...though I'm not sure this isn't been done on purpose by some guys : when your ratio is going bad and you don't have anything to upload, it looks tempting to re-encode any movie you got into another extension : that's why I don't really agree with one of GT rule that allows to "upload already existing content when the file is a different size or version (i.e, avi instead of wmv)"
But that's another question
I have no problems with others jumping on my torrents. It simply means that others can download faster. Unless it is a very low demand torrent, I can continue to seed for the x number of hours I had planed in the first place and upload the same amount as if no one had jumped on. So I really do not lose anything. After all it is the amount uploaded that counts and not whether it was initial seeding or a very old torrent.
I have not been a member for long, but in my experience the seed bonus given to me as the torrent uploader has probably been more useful then the actual amount I have uploaded.
Consider the new user who has submitted a torrent and after waiting 10, 12 hours or more sees you come along with auto-approval and upload the exact same torrent he has waiting. He put just as much time and effort into getting the torrent ready as you did. Don't you think it is fair that he should be able to upload as well?
As there is no easy technical solution to control the jump-on, why not just embrace it.
@arthurdent<–----> Interesting thoughts and now I am rethinking my position on this topic.
I have no problems with others jumping on my torrents. It simply means that others can download faster.
That again depends on a lot of factors. If the "jumping on" one has a good upload speed (like a server based seedbox) that might become disastrous for your upload traffic and thus to your ratio. (unless you decide to seed for a very long time - and that means in the range of several months - not hours
I have not been a member for long, but in my experience the seed bonus given to me as the torrent uploader has probably been more useful then the actual amount I have uploaded.
...an often neglected bonus for uploaders!
Consider the new user who has submitted a torrent and after waiting 10, 12 hours or more sees you come along with auto-approval and upload the exact same torrent he has waiting. He put just as much time and effort into getting the torrent ready as you did. Don't you think it is fair that he should be able to upload as well?
That is a topic which is already handled by our approving moderators. If there is such a "duplicate" upload coincidence (and they happen quite often
) the original upload time is taken into account: even if it took two days (holidays f.x.) to approve a torrent we still know which torrent was uploaded first and that one counts as the original.
As there is no easy technical solution to control the jump-on, why not just embrace it.
That is the reason we don't have written rules about that topic yet. We can just ask our members to not "jump on" a torrent until it is snatched some times (at least 3 other seeders). That time span gives the original uploader some time to reach at least traffic for one complete copy of the uploaded video. Later on "jumping on" is something else. But there is no technical possibility to enforce such a rule - the BitTorrent protocol does not allow stopping a seeder from seeding (the only way to stop a member from seeding would be to ban the respective account - not a good solution methinks
Before reading this forum, I had no idea that seed stealing was a problem (or even possible). Apparently neither did the seed stealer in question: He was merely attempting to super seed. With no rule in place he had no idea what he was doing is wrong - or at least frowned upon. Isn't this what rules are for: a listing of what is and is not allowed? No source code changes or even additional programing required.
I browse the forum occasionally, but more seriously 4 times a year when I am holiday. This is the first time I have seen this brought up.
Although I can see how it is detriment to a slow uploader with poor ratio, I would have to say I lean more on the downloader side as file sharing should be about sharing the file as fast as possible.
In term of possible solution, adding this as a soft rule would make more people aware of it. In term of programming, the simplest way would be to add a op-out check box that would show up as a highlight next to the torrent name. This would add the word/graphic No Jump In at the beginning/end of the name. Clicking on this word/graphic would take you to the rule explaining why.
Hello all,
I was VERY interested to find this discussion. It's a topic that I've been curious about for a while.
And after seeing the first page I was preparing some wider arguments.But after rerading posts by trukr http://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=12710.msg59703#msg59703
And MrMazda http://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=12710.msg59625#msg59625I feel a better balance to the argument has been made. I agree with most of the very sensible points they have made.
Firstly I'm not an innocent. I'm guilty of Jump-on / re-seed crimes, by definition of the first suggested new 'rules'.
That said I have never hijacked an uploader’s posts.Eh?? Doesn't make sense ??
Let me explain. A few times I've logged onto the site, looked at the 'Most wanted Torrents' and seen a few leechers against a red seeder (offline), small sympathy.
I've also seen a hundred or more leechers hoping for that seeder to end their wait. They get my attention. The seeder is offline. A hundred hopeful downloaders waiting on the seeders pleasure.
Isn't the first rule here seed 'continue until two or three have the torrent?'
So, then if I have the file, which I may well have got from the same source as the uplaoder; the files being identical, I will finish the seeder’s job for him. In such a situation I think of my self as the 'kind seeder fairy'.
If I am wrong please disabuse me.What is in it for me? Nothing. My ratio is fine. My seed points are embarrasing, 4K+, I have treated it as a badge of honour for keeping torrents alive. But after reading another thread on seed gifts I intend to do something about that - but that is another issue. And one that ties in nicely here.
I agree with trukr's comment that ultimately this is a file sharing site.
To put it bluntly if you aren't in a position to share then don't. Unlike file sharing forums we only allow one upload for any file - arguments about 1kb difference in file size really are not material.To illustrate, I had a disagreement recently with a member over a file. It was 500 Mb or so. It took three days to download. I know it can be difficult to upload. My maximum is 100Kb. But over night I can upload 1GB or more. It is a small hardship if you want to give.
The relationship between file sharing sites and torrent sites has changed hugely in recent years. Gaytorrent.ru was THE place to come to quality, available files. File sharing sites have grown dramatically.,mostly because of the money posters earn.
Now, files posted on the internet are uploaded here within hours. Files posted here are available on premium hosters within hours. It maybe a coincidence but my recent re-post, I claim no credit only thanks to the original uploader, was on the most prolific forum poster's thread within days. Not bad for a file years old but unavailable here until recently; Triga - White Van Man
So to uploaders 'rights'. Well, if you have an original file I will support your every argument.
Otherwise, if you have downloaded it from another forum and posted it here faster than anybody else a few facts that seem obvious. Again, please disabuse me.As the first uploader you gain the thanks and gift points from every grateful leecher. Despite some ingrates as the boss says.
Well that's it for Brownie points. Ewe said you lose the kudos of a seed ratio of one. I'll need him to explain that technicality to me.
But to the bigger picture: You found a fantastic piece of porn from a great studio. Decided to share it (illegally) with the poor people that can't afford to bye it.
There was queue hoping to post that here, but they missed out. I have been one of them. I've prepared a good page with great pics, then found I've missed out to a faster technician. Ce'st la vie! I was too slow.
So does the fastest man win the right to say 'I and only I have the right to seed this torrent' ?
When I first joined here the hardest lesson I learned was maintain your ratio. I had no idea about uploading torrents. I just seeded. I downloaded popular files and shared them. Then I continued to share. I still do.
My point, yes I got there at last. If a file is good then members will want it. Put your ego aside. You may not be the man to have completed the seed of the porn of the day; other's may have helped. But if you can only seed 500Mb a day what is the harm of allowing another to help? Just continue to seed. People will still want it! This board is about sharing. Or is it about your personal ratio?
And if you still feel you want to be the man in charge of the torrent. Remember where it came from. And the dozens of other posters on similar boards replicating the same file to the equal annoyance of the 'true' poster.
Uploaders are great, I applaud and encourage them. But to those that upload, then do not continue to seed or participate I take a different view.
They are here to give little, take much and beg for points, shame on you! You take the best and re-post it on other forums. You exploit others’ goodwill.
So do I want to hand control to that particular Mafia? No!The time spent policing secondary posters may be better spent policing members that download here then post elsewhere for a profit.