No longer gay/bi?
my boyfriend's bi. i've accepted that for now, he loves me and i'll take that as far as it goes. if in the future he decides that he's hetero, then I know i have to let go of him.
I also dated a guy who was in a relationship to a girl, then experienced gay sex. Then he stopped being turned on by the girl and had to break up with her because he was drinking every night just to have an excuse not to have sex with her. Now he's gay and confesses that girls no longer turn him on.
Would anyone else have similar experiences? What if your boyfriend/husbear/partner suddenly woke up one morning and said he's attracted to a girl?
I would understand him, then kill him. Especially if we have been together for a long long time and he decides that he is not gay anymore 10 years later. yes i would understand… and kill him.
Hahaha. I'd understand why you'd kill him. But i wouldn't
Never been in a relationship with a bi-man but I met a gay guy who have been in a couple with one of them.
He was really angry with him because in some job meetings this bi prefered to take a girl instead of his regular bf.
I think that if you, bisexual, take a chance and decide to have a longterm relationship with a gay guy you don't have to cheat on him with a girl. It's betrayal, pure and simple. Switching is no good and a couple can not live happy with that turmoil.
I see. I'm not worried about him cheating on me. We're both honest enough with each other, that if any issue comes up, we can sit down and talk it over like rational human beings. Of course that would still freak me out, but we would probably talk first hehehe.
I see. I'm not worried about him cheating on me. We're both honest enough with each other, that if any issue comes up, we can sit down and talk it over like rational human beings. Of course that would still freak me out, but we would probably talk first hehehe.
Of course, speaking is good to settle things down.
But in that case that gay guy had a bisexual boyfriend who prefered to go to job meeting with a girl not with his BOYfriend, a man.
That's the point: to be in love, live your life, with a BOYfriend and be afraid to show him as your man in front of your colleagues or your friends, being afraid or what they could think or say.
That's what I don't like :balls2:
It's a shame what this world has had to come down to. It makes me glad to live in an area where you can be as homo as the rainbow and nobody cares.
It's a shame what this world has had to come down to. It makes me glad to live in an area where you can be as homo as the rainbow and nobody cares.
Indeed, you are a lucky man Mazda.
In the past in Rome we had gay people to be beaten just they were gay. Not funny :afr2:
We used to have a problem with that kind of thing out here back in the early 2000's… It ended after a few gay bashers decided that they would bash back. Next thing you know, it's pretty well come to a stop.
We used to have a problem with that kind of thing out here back in the early 2000's… It ended after a few gay bashers decided that they would bash back. Next thing you know, it's pretty well come to a stop.
No, in Italy we prefer to get kicked, or knifed, and then go to cry to the newspapers or in forums, too.
From what I remember only a few times gay couples kicked stupid people asses for good.
In the end gay people in Italy is masochistic, for sure
I was one of several that made the front page of the local newspaper. They made a huge deal out of the fact that I got jumped at my locker repeatedly in high school, so one day I decide to fight back in a 2 against 1 situation, sending BOTH of them to the hospital with rather nasty injuries (like a broken nose, fractured wrist, etc).
I must say though, despite the crap that I had to go through in the process of implementing certain changes (including challenging the government with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms), I must say it was definitely worth it. The outcome: the two that jumped me were charged with aggravated assault and sentenced to 12 years to make an example of it. Ever since, the view on gays in my area has NEVER been the same. Nobody thinks any differently about it than they would about a blonde chick getting banged by a black dude.
Things (at least here) have really come a long way.
I was one of several that made the front page of the local newspaper. They made a huge deal out of the fact that I got jumped at my locker repeatedly in high school, so one day I decide to fight back in a 2 against 1 situation, sending BOTH of them to the hospital with rather nasty injuries (like a broken nose, fractured wrist, etc).
Well done :cool2:
I was one of several that made the front page of the local newspaper. They made a huge deal out of the fact that I got jumped at my locker repeatedly in high school, so one day I decide to fight back in a 2 against 1 situation, sending BOTH of them to the hospital with rather nasty injuries (like a broken nose, fractured wrist, etc)…
Good for you, MrMazda! Seriously.
Any "gay" man in a long term relationship who suddenly decides they're straight is either lying to himself now or has been for a long time. I don't think you can know someone that long and not recognize signs of conflict. Self hate is difficult to hide. My advise: wait until you find someone who deserves you.
Agree. Of course if you suddenly feel like you can't connect, then something must've gone wrong, right?