Malawarebytes and
For the last month I have been having trouble connecting to I kept on getting timeout messages in Firefox and IE. After much experimentation and some google searches, I've discovered that Malawarebytes has this site on its list of sites to prohibit access. There is a hidden ip filtering mechanism in Malawarebytes. If you are running this software do some google searches to determine how to turn off this feature in the version of windows you are running.
Hi Tigre99,
Welcome to the forum area. I see you've been a [power] user here for years and U/L's D/L's in the terabytes.
I'm not an admin, supermod, or globalmod. I'm a SIGmod.
I really respect that your first post was a helpful post for other members. I've never used Malwarebytes; however, appreciate your providing this info.
I have looked up a page that explains Malwarebyte's IP filtering better and how to disable it. hXXp://
Thank you again, my brother.
Thank you. My version of Malawarebytes did not give the balloon alert that was being blocked. And when I right clicked there was no option to turn off ip filtering. I needed to add the registry entry to disable ip filtering. – Toigre99
I've used Malwarebytes for many years now, both in Windows 7 and Windows 8, and it's never caused me any problems with It's always good to install BEFORE any ransomware happens, so that when it does Malwarebytes can sneak up behind it and stab it in the back!
But wait - are you perhaps on the paid or premium trial version?