How To: Search For a Duplicate Torrent Before Uploading a New Torrent
Here are some search tips that will help you find duplicate torrents before uploading a new torrent;
DO NOT check mark any categories, search in ALL categories because some torrents can fall under multiple categories.
- Only use words in your searches. Do NOT use any special characters such as ~!@#$%^& . ( )_+-, < > ' : " \ ].
Use 1 or 2 keywords and search again using different words if you don't get any results . First run a few searches with a couple different words selected from the title, then run a search on the studio or for the actors if you still haven't found a duplicate torrent.*

Now that you've done a thorough search you're ready to upload.
- Only use words in your searches. Do NOT use any special characters such as ~!@#$%^& . ( )_+-, < > ' : " \ ].
Some videos are released under multiple names. I suggest checking
hXXp:// and seeing what other names your video might have, and check to see if it's already here under a different name.
*Edit: Changed the link as per [desc="The website I mentioned previously is now located at hXXp:// – it's the same information, just a different address and a different look."]Reply #6[/desc] by eobox91103 himself - aaliass
EDIT: (MrMazda 2010-12-15) - Corrected color tag
Thanks eobox91103 :), I completely forgot about that site.
It would be nice if the description or title of a torrent found to be released under different names was edited to include the other names, PM a moderator if you stumble upon one that should be edited.
Umm one should also check the box "torrent description" as for example myself often, if not always, post collections of videos with a list of the single videos' names in the description. I use that method myself to make sure i am not uploading something that i uploaded before….....
Kind regards.....
this is mandatory for all uploaders with collections
.. it's the only way for us to check duplicates, or otherwise we would have to open all possible collections and hard search for detailed file lists
.. some uploaders are annoyed because of disapproved collections but they should understand that this is too time consuming to check it, yet it is needy for next uploaders to search for duplicates.
Umm one should also check the box "torrent description" as for example myself often, if not always, post collections of videos with a list of the single videos' names in the description. I use that method myself to make sure i am not uploading something that i uploaded before….....
Kind regards.....
That's fine as long as a person doesn't rely on a description search only, multiple searches should be performed using different search functions and words too.
Because it's possible that not all parts of a torrents download page have a matching torrent file name, torrent name, or words and/or characters in the description or some key words may be excluded from 1 or more parts of the download page.
For example we have several torrents in which the torrent file name and torrent name are properly labeled with the films title but there is nothing listing the title of the film or anything close to it in the description, and maybe not even the actors -only what the video is about and occasionally not even that :-, and there are torrents in which the actors are listed in the torrent names and/or torrent file names but not in the description too.Leaving all search option boxes unchecked in the same as checking all of them.
Some videos are released under multiple names. I suggest checking hXXp:// and seeing what other names your video might have, and check to see if it's already here under a different name.
The website I mentioned previously is now located at hXXp:// – it's the same information, just a different address and a different look.
Since this year, it is possible to search torrents using tags. Sometimes that can be a helpful tool.
A tag is a word, or a combination of words, preceded by a tilde ~, which denotes a more narrower category for a torrent. The tags are written at the end of the description, in a single line, like this:
Tags: ~twinks ~bareback ~anal ~tattoo
To be able to use tags in your search, make sure you have ticked Torrent Description. Then just write a tag (mandatory with the tilde sign in front) and begin your search.
For more info about tags and the entire list of allowed tags, please visit this forum thread.
There is a big problem with the search function in regards to letters with diacritics. Search functions on most web sites will match the underlying letters but not I found this out when I was going to upload several Cadinot movies that I had downloaded elsewhere because my first search on this site didn't show them. Fortunately, I had a lightbulb go off before I uploaded and I searched using partial words like "priv" instead of "prives" for "privés". For those of us using standard English keyboards, it is not easy to type words with diacritics, in fact, most native English speakers probably don't even know how (Canadians, being bilingual, excepted). I don't know how difficult or time-consuming it would be to change the search coding, but I wanted to bring this problem to everyone's attention.
This is the only major problem I have found searching for duplicates, except when there are typos; but not much you can do about those.
Have you considered adding a dedicated, mandatory text field for tags that every uploader had to fill? That would be really helpful. You could also implement suggestions popping out while typing the tag (so if an uploader writes: "bare" the system suggests him to name the tag "bareback") AND auto-correction (so if you type "middle-east" or "middleEast" or "middle east" it automatically changes the tag to a unified form (so for example "middle-east")).
I searched before I upload and it said nothing found with my torrent's file name. After I uploaded it, It said duplicated.
How can I search with a different file name? -
There are two answers to this.
1/ The easy answer on the technical aspect:
Just enter a new search text into the "Search" box, change other settings if felt necessary and it the "Search / Refresh" button.2/ The more difficult on what search terms to enter and options to choose:
That is basically what this guide together with the tips of users having posted in this topic try to explain. So I suggest you start to read the guide if you haven't yet.Some hints for search terms:
Use the movie title only, without studio, omit the apostrophe ' and it's 's (means if the title says "The Owner's Boner" search for "The Owner Boner"
Search for actor names and only the actor names, no "," , "&" or "and" or "'s" (the names may be in the description, not the movie title)
Use the studio name only, omit words in it like "Studios", "Video", "Productions", "Entertainment", "Pictures", etc .., sort by size
For Asian movies, with often variable translations of the non Latin alphabet titles, a search in the approbate categories (Asian, Chubbies, Bear, BDSM, … ; one at a time) should be done, sorted by size, then going to the size and look to that torrent's descriptions if the same, e.g. compare number of bytes and images
Don't forget to search all categories by selecting no category.
While torrent review the staff can make only a quick search and expect the uploader to have done multiple searches before. Unfortunately we find much too many duplicates with easy first search attempts.However, by practising we develop a "feeling" what search terms are likely to find a duplicate
The staff uses the exact same search you got, we don't have a more advanced search tool. It is only the experience to use it, which makes the difference and this guide was made to share that experience.