Pit falls of deep throat!
Hi all first post here… oinl cause i cant get any sense anywhere else..
Ive been out 2nite and had a fare few drinks and yes im pissed. my partner went to bed and i was hungry so vcooked myself chicken and curry from fresh... my chochen was pink when i was eating it, i didnt know this.
anyway after realusing i was eatring pink chicken i tri3d to make myslef sick.
Can ui? can i fuck
i can ram my fingers right down mty throat untill theres nothing more andcan i make myself sick.... no i carnt
be warmed people when yu needc to b sick and your gpood at dfee[p thosat dotn rely on fiongers cause thewy dont work.... youll nerver know when youll need fiongers!!!!
When I need to induce vomiting, I just drink enough alcohol until I'm "praying to the porcelain goddess" most of the night (Americans will understand this to mean kneeling over the toilet, vomiting from alcohol poisoning).
I doubt the "pink" chicken will prove dangerous, bearlover.
Hope you feel better in the morning.
Bearlover not to be insensitive but that is hilarious ;D
I am an expert cocksucker and when I wanna make myself sick I can do it. I've had 9 inches down this throat! The trick is about where you guide it.
If there's a next time, eat mustard - that will always work.