Happy new year and thanks to all of you!
Happy new year
We wish all of you a happy new year and a good and successful year 2009.
We know - without your help this site could not be the site it is today, nearly all figures that tell about success are raising - we currently have more than 76,000 users and more than 10,000 torrents - that for sure can make us all proud what we managed together!
In 2008 we had some major improvements on this site, the most important ones are our new current forum and our new rationator 2.0
Both proved to be successful - postings in this forum are raising, topics are raising, communication is raising. With rationator 2.0 the seeding efforts of our members is rocking skywards. Let us all be active in 2009 to keep this tendency!
Last not least: let us not forget our moderator team. Without their volunteer work this site could and would not be the site it currently is, so let us all say
Thank you to all members of the staff team!
As to our wishes for 2009:
We have some other surprises planned for 2009 - we will announce them hopefully in a timly manner
 on our home page (the timely manner is my personal new year's resolution for 2009
Just one thing for 2009: Rationator 2.1 is coming too. Same concept of gliding scale but a bit more relaxed values and prolonged grace periods.
Happy New Year to you as well.
Greetings also from me to you, to all users and wonderful moderators who know very well help to solve the problems. I recorded a few days and I could not with many difficulties to share two streams (one is awaiting approval), the advice I can give is to try moderators who know other languages on the forum, for example in the Italian forum serves an Italian who thinks in Italian and who writes well in Italian, especially because the procedure for entering torrent is a little complicated if a member is a foreigner, if the foreign forum is rarely used and some questions lie waiting for the answer. Last thing, if a torrent is not accepted because it would be fair to say it was not accepted, so people like me do so for the first time understands the mistake and will do better. I know that there are rules and we all have to respect them, but it is also true that many users of this site does not speak your language, everything is more complicated if anyone says. For the rest thanks for this beautiful work, what you are and what you become. I hope that with this 2009 we can make a big global family. ;D
Happy New Year - Bonne Année - Frohes Neues Jahr
to all at Gaytorrent.ru
and I wish the forums to become more crowded
even if it is off topic, couldn't you remove the Off Topic in front of some the forum sections?
gt : Mele Kalikimaka
user : Hauoli Makahiki Hou