America discriminates muslims
my deportation is by citizens. television is really low funny. people outside doing everything possible to scare me away. i thought it was only california. i was at salt lake city international airport on 8/13/07, and my plane was late. i had five minutes, before the next plane took off. i was running through the airport, and a pick pocket took my wallet. i got it back, but my id card was bent. i went to yellowstone in wyoming, and 3 times as many people were there, than in 2000. my mom was driving, and two cars in front of us, hit a motorcycle, and then my mom hit the car. later, the motorcyclist died. the insurance agents were calling, for weeks, and they wanted a lot of money. the new trees from the 1989 fire were yellow with disease. i'm nice to people, and they ignore me. 2007 is the perhaps worst year of my perhaps life. i perhaps need perhaps stupid perhaps stuff. everyone is acting, as if they are eighty years old. americans are too sophisticated, too rich, and too mature. the republicans perhaps deserved their perhaps taxes under perhaps clinton.
Thank you for REposting this message from another site. As I have said before, Hate is a strong word. Sorry to say, but pick pockets steal Christian wallets too, not just yours. And saying "Americans are TOO sophisticated, TOO rich, and TOO mature" is such a hasty generalization. Maybe I am TOO AMERICAN for You, but if its so bad here for you, PERHAPS it might be best for you to leave. Muslims have many rights in America. One of them, for instance–as demonstrated by you in this post--is freedom of speech. Before making such outrageous claims, do share why you are being deported--PERHAPS it is a VALID reason.
Before I get into the main part of my post, let me say that nation bashing {against any nation} is not allowed here. Polite criticism in a discussion is not bashing, but it's easy to turn bad.
That said, let's get on with the show.
No idea what site the OP got that from, but it's a bunch of disjointed rubbish.
Deportation is only used when someone breaks the law. What law was broken for you to be deported?!
What does Dutch Elm disease have to do with deportation?! The UK has suffered harshly from Dutch Elm disease, do you hate them too?!
Anger over bad tv shows?! Well, duh, I don't like 90% of what's on TV, but I don't say the nation is crap over it. Instead I find the channels with stuff I like; ie The Discovery Channel et al.
Why are you complaining that Yellowstone is popular? It shows that nature conservancy is beginning to grow and that's a good thing.
Hitting another car will always lead to insurance companies wanting money. HOWEVER, if your mom had insurance, then your mom's insurance company would have dealt with the other peoples' insurance company directly. If your mom had insurance and the other companies were harassing her directly, then she should have told her insurance company about it and let them deal with it.
I discriminate against assholes. Religion, race, etc, etc have nothing to do with it. I have friends in every group and there are people in every group that I can't stand.
Before I get into the main part of my post, let me say that nation bashing {against any nation} is not allowed here. Polite criticism in a discussion is not bashing, but it's easy to turn bad.
That said, let's get on with the show.
No idea what site the OP got that from, but it's a bunch of disjointed rubbish.
Deportation is only used when someone breaks the law. What law was broken for you to be deported?!
What does Dutch Elm disease have to do with deportation?! The UK has suffered harshly from Dutch Elm disease, do you hate them too?!
Anger over bad tv shows?! Well, duh, I don't like 90% of what's on TV, but I don't say the nation is crap over it. Instead I find the channels with stuff I like; ie The Discovery Channel et al.
Why are you complaining that Yellowstone is popular? It shows that nature conservancy is beginning to grow and that's a good thing.
Hitting another car will always lead to insurance companies wanting money. HOWEVER, if your mom had insurance, then your mom's insurance company would have dealt with the other peoples' insurance company directly. If your mom had insurance and the other companies were harassing her directly, then she should have told her insurance company about it and let them deal with it.
I discriminate against assholes. Religion, race, etc, etc have nothing to do with it. I have friends in every group and there are people in every group that I can't stand.
Very well put.
What I find very humorous is the fact that several years ago while living in a large college town and on my lunch break I decided that I would like something out of the ordinary and made my way to the Mid-East Market/Deli (not it's real name). I became "fond" of some of the food from the Persian Gulf region while I was stationed there and had a craving. While standing at the counter, several "foreign nationals" were watching football (what we in the US call soccer) and glanced over at me and started making derogatory remarks in the dialect of their origins (which shall remain nameless, as it would id where they were from), I guess they didn't know I could understand what they were saying. Boy, were they in for a surprise!
After receiving my order, in the same dialect as the young gentlemen watching football, I requested to speak to the manager. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that every one of these "gentlemen" shut their traps. I then, in the FORMAL dialect they were speaking, registered my complaint, LOUDLY. I asked if he "entertained" these types of "ruffians" often in his establishment and stated that I would be having a word with the local Imam, (insert name here), the next time he was in my office, which just happened to be after I finished my lunch.
It seems that one of the gentlemen was related to the Imam and came forth and promptly apologized. I asked his name and thanked him for his apology and told him he would be better off not consorting with the likes of those gentlemen and would be telling the Imam the same thing.
Turns out, the gentleman that apologized came to my office with the Imam who asked that I go with him to the diner and point out who these "ruffians" were. At first I was hesitant. I dealt with the Muslim community quite a bit, and didn't want trouble, but finally agreed. As we exited the office, what I would call "Elders" (it was one of the Elder's sons' that apologized) met us and we walked to the diner. When the bell jingled, the place got deathly quiet. The owner of the establishment then apologized and every other "ruffian" apologized there after.
I shouldn't have been nervous it turns out. Honor is a strong thing among the Muslim community that I'm speaking of, each of the gentlemen that gave me "lip" had to come to my office, with their parents, and apologized over the course of the next week. My business, which had a minority of Muslim clients, increased when the local Muslim people realized that I could speak, not necessarily fluently, several dialects of Arabic.
Just like not all American's are "nice", there are "assholes" from every country, and they are the ones that give that country/region a bad name.
(I still don't list the fact that I can speak these dialects on my resume. It's nice to keep some things a surprise until they are needed.)
WV Sailor - what kinds of derogatory remarks were these young men making? About you? About Americans? How young were they if they came in with their parents to apologize? I certainly am not excusing whatever bad thing they did, but I would assume bad behavior in teens is not terribly unusual. Also if they were "forced" to apologize by their parents how much does it mean? (and I wasn't there, I don't know these people but I know Muslims also, saving face is not always the same thing as "honor" either). Finally, how exactly does this story relate to the original topic? I must have missed something.
It has to do with respect regardless of language. I mean if they were saying "white devil" in their native tongue, it's not less of an insult just because i don't understand it.
NOW, what i think the point of the whole thing is that there are muslims, and there are muslims. To judge a race by the example of a single individual is wrong. Of course to think that they're all nice just because one of them was nice isn't exactly right, but it allows you to be more open minded, which is the opposite of what happens when you think wrongly about an entire race, which makes you uncharitable, to say the least.
not quite me - #7 who are you replying to? The original poster asserted that America discriminates against Muslims, as well as going into topics of convoluted utter nonsense. WV sailor went off on a tangent in my opinion by talking about a personal experience with teenagers apologizing to him at the requirement of their parents. I truly do not mean to be snarky here, but stating some people are nice and others not in any given group is to state the obvious, don't you think? I was trying to relate WV sailor directly to the topic and I can't. That's why I asked if I missed something. Again, though even staying with the topic of discrimination - America pledges at least to not do it, but of course there will always be some bigots; but do the Arab countries make the same pledge? For decades the official policy of the most of their governments, printed for all to see was the destruction of Israel!
Sorry. Must've been half drunk or something. Now that i read again what OP said… i'm not quite sure there's a coherent thought anywhere in his post.
I'm not sure why the whole Arab shenanigans kept on going on since the Crusades, but I think it's way too long ago to keep harping over it.
With regards to discrimination, I think America's gone a long way from what people thought it was (what with all the for whites/for black restrooms, anti-mexican migrant workers, anti-Asian culture that pop fiction just loves to dwell on - wrongly, i might add). And if OP isn't open-minded enough to accept that America has gotten more... open-armed, shall we say?, then we're better off since he got deported.
Quite all right, NQM…..
I'm not sure why the whole Arab shenanigans kept on going on since the Crusades, but I think it's way too long ago to keep harping over it.
For decades the official policy of the most of their governments, printed for all to see was the destruction of Israel!
What are you talking about? Israel was under Muslim control for centuries, then colonial powers stepped in and eventually proclaimed that Israel was no longer under their sovereignty. There was no self-determination at all– wouldn't you be a bit angry if someone walked into your house with a gun and forced you to sign over the deed to your home to some third party? Of course you would! I respect the Israeli claim to the area, however, it cannot be denied that the creation of an Israeli state was based on sympathy from the world powers after the holocaust. That, however, is not justification for entitlement. Although they may have been in control millennia ago, there has to be a limit to how long a claim can continue to be valid without actively pursuing rectification of it. Both of these things have basis in US law-- "Coercion", "Theft" and the "Statute of Limitations".
All of this said, anti-Islamic sentiment is far from being relegated to a few sporadic cases. In 2009, over 1000 cases of discrimination of Muslim persons were reported to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (source: This is surely only a small subset of all such cases– I feel it is unlikely that most people report such things. I don't report small instances of discrimination against me for being gay, for instance. Simply because we don't burn Saudi flags in the street doesn't make it any less true. Especially after the 9/11/2001 attacks, and the resulting wars and threats towards various Islamic nations, many Americans have come to associate persons who look ethnically Arab as being Muslim, only making the matters worse.
We are looked at as the "bully" of the world, and we sort of are. We push our personal beliefs down on other nations, by force if needed, hardly heeding international law when doing so. We foment hate in other nations because of this, and then wonder why a few zealots attempt to retaliate against our aggressions.
I don't approve of the actions of many Islamic nations, but the US and Israel are far from being righteous in their discourse on the subject.