New disturbing trend
I don't even know if I should report such files and packs, but I have noticed that very recently, someone or a more that one person is uploading packs that are often 8 to 32 GB in size, which are 99.9% identical to packs found elsewhere, EXCEPT they have been digitally modified to be different enough so that they are not the "same" as the originals. I have an idea of how they manage this, but I'm not going to mention it because other people mike get the same idea.
Even that is not a huge problem, but what is a huge problem is that whoever is doing it seems to have a dial-up connection that is SLOOOOOWWW. At the rate they are uploading it would take a week to a month to upload their packs.
Even THAT would not be a problem, except that often these people never complete sending their upload. THAT is a problem.
You should still report these.
I'm getting annoyed with these too.