Cleaning up GTru from low quality movies and better file information?
There's a button to report duplicate torrents, but "Remember: we do allow the same movie in different formats. A duplicate must be same size and file type."
GTru sometimes has a bad quality copy of a movie and an even worse quality copy, or even a third one which only contains some split up scenes in multiple files. Especially and obviously with vintage movies, there's often just two grainy VHS copies with 352x240 pixels and different file sizes where I have no clue what the exact difference in quality is… It's 2018, we have broadband internet and I would like to see DVD quality to be the standard here (800MB-1GB). Other versions could be a DVD rip with full menu (4GB) or even a Bluray copy. It would be really helpful if users would try to find a better copy of their vintage movies and reupload them before they are completely forgotten and unavailable. Unfortunately, due to the ratio policy users often just upload anything they come across just to boost their ratio. I would love to see more quality.
Another thing is that I miss important file information in the descriptions. Yes there are screenshots and the file size, but I would like to know things like file format, running time, video dimensions before downloading. Especially when there are multiple versions of a movie.