Leftists are idiots - proof
On 1 July 2016, the UK's Labour Party appointed Angela Rayner as their "Shadow" Education Secretary.
Her previous Minister job (vag and equalities) last 3 days(27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016) before she was moved.
Anyway, she dropped out of school at 14 because she was pregnant and never got any kind of qualificiations; GCSE, A-Level or University. Somehow, Labour thinks this makes her "qualified" to be in charge of the education of the nation's kids. She was so uneducated that she wasn't even qualified to change old people's diapers (nappies in the UK). She was only "qualified" enough to help the person who changed old people's diapers. But somehow Labour thinks this makes her qualified to make decisions about everyone's kids education.
Like Jess Phillips, the notorious man hating feminist and many others, Angela was also elected as part of the women only (excluding incumbents) 2015 election cycle for Labour. Labour loves these all vag election lists because somehow that's gender equality. None of the UK political parties has had a male only election list in the last 60'ish years, but have had a large number of vag only election lists in that time. Of course, this doesn't include the lesbian femi-nazi party, because any man that is a member of the party is so self loathing he probably already cut off his own dick to show he's a good cuck.
NOTE: I use Gramarly and because this post is about an uneducated spastic, Gramarly didn't notice that I spelled "secretary" wrong.
Strange that not only did Grammarly not detect that you spelt "Grammarly" wrongly as "Gramarly" twice, it also didn't detect the error in your grammar in "Gramarly didn't notice that I spelled "secretary" wrong". Perhaps you should ask Angela Rayner for some advice.
Again, a lot of words and nothing on the actual topic.
I guess the left love the idea of the Labour Party having all these uneducated, man-hating, white-hating vaginalists being in charge.
What next, Pablo Escobar as Drug Czar? Al Capone as to run the alcohol and tax regulator bodies?