"No Other Land" wins Oscar for best documentary
No Other Land was made by a Palestinian-Israeli collective of four activists in what they describe as an act of resistance on the path to justice during the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It was featured at many film festivals around the world, including several in Canada, but no distributor down in the US wanted to pick it up.
I have a good 1080i copy of it. It doesn't qualify as having a "gay theme" so I'm hesitant to upload it to this site, but I think it's worth watching. The file is about 2 GB and I can post a Dropbox link if people are interested.
It's a .mkv file with separate .srt files for English and Portuguese dialog.
GIven that there are two "likes" thus far, here are the links:
Full .mkv file with original audio (Arabic and Hebrew), selectable English or Portuguese subtitles:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sr6aiytb6kx0iwv4k4f0b/No.Other.Land.2024.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC.mkv?rlkey=b38mun8nvblue7gqx09o3d4qk&st=p23edwbk&dl=0This can be played directly in your browser, but you'll have better results downloading a local copy.
Thanks, I'll have a look tonight.
@raphjd The aforementioned Dropbox link is having problems--I think because the file is so large (by their standards). Please try https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8h7wgygr6r62ip6r4v1mc/No.Other.Land.2024.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-1.mp4?rlkey=ray30n3cburr4qn6wlco6qgiv&st=z59be0nd&dl=0 for a .mp4 version in 720p. Note that this one has hard-coded English subtitles, and is in .mp4 format...made so it can be digested by my less-than-smart TV.