Resdsed Request Please ??
Hey all,
Can't find a place for this, so hopefully someone can help with it ...
I've been witinf or a download to start for ages, about 3 weeks, maybe less, and have asked for reseed on the site, but nothing happening from my request...??Can some please reseed this one for me as I really would like to have it..the file that is
Barcelona Summer Night (Barcelona nit d'estiu) - with English Subtitles is another much larger file, but due to lack of disc space, I can only take this one just now...
Thanks in advance...hopefully.
We don't allow re-seed requests in the forums.
Use the re-seed request button on the torrent page.
Sometimes you may just have to accept the possibility that nobody on the site has the file anymore and that a reseed request will never get filled. It's a shame, but it happens.
That's the problem w/ dead torrent or 1 seeder, Sometimes they seed and leave you w/o completion ...
How frustrating ... -
@Playmate i don't have the file from that torrent so i cannot re-seed, but i will upload a new copy that i have re-encoded from the larger version
@raphjd done that a couple of times ...but oh well..
@ianfontinell-0 Cheers for this, have just downloaded ...thanks heaps