A puzzling issue about a trans person
I know of a trans person who is a male, but whose weird parents raised as a girl. This person attempted suicide at least twice. Although this person has always insisted it is a male, it dressed as a female even though he stuck with a male name.
Less than a year ago, this trans decided it is a female and now uses a female name.
In the past, this trans would get furious if anybody suggested that is female. Now it gets furious if anybody suggests that it is male.I assume that the members of this site are almost all males, so being born a male - if you dress as a FEMALE and use a FEMALE name, do you call yourself MALE, FEMALE, or TRANS?
This trans person does not seem to know WHAT to call itself. I call this person "insane".
It seems to me, if for whatever reason someone is born a male, but has decided they are female, they should get it through their own head that "I am a female" and make it known that they are a female. WHY must these people continue to present themselves as TRANS?