USSA watch: Libs delete opposing voices, in name of Russia Russia Russia
YouTube (famous lib company) just shut down Lauren Chen's YouTube account, that she built for years.
She has NO charges on her.
Not even allegations of wrongdoing. Did YouTube just violate their own policies?
And that
is point. "It's not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy." Libs simply hate conservative content.
Here is game state of Tenet Media thing - per Andy Ngo.
content creators Lauren Chen, Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Lauren Southern, Matt Christiansen and Tayler Hansen
by no means pro-Russia. Tim Pool, even is "Ukraine flag" type. (see below)
by no means "good" supporters of President Trump. Some wanted Nikki Haley or Ron Desantis. Tim Pool, even tells Steve Bannon to STFU.
but some are Kamabla opponents - here in USA final stretch
always independent people, built organic followings over many years
in 2022 Lauren Chen wanted to do media startup
USA, Tennessee company approached her & said, "Have some money"
she & others asked questions, were lied to. Demanded independence, got independence
if you trace money back, allegedly it came from 2 RT employees who filed false documents
while Lauren Chen, Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Lauren Southern, Matt Christiansen and Tayler Hansen, apparently had no idea, did nothing wrong & changed no content
The whole thing is somebody's dirty-them-up "op".
But whose op?
You have to ask, cui bono? Who benefits?
Libs use it to shut down their voices - in final stretch of an election.
so, USA Regime benefits.
I do believe Regime's claim that 2 RT employees & false documents are involved - somehow.
USA Regime loves to jail & cancel its opposition. & libs love to see it
I may do new thread, on all the times Kamabla & Tampon Walz called to end to Free Speech.
If they win - USA will jail & cancel more dissidents.
Best new comment - "The craziest thing about Russia paying influencers is that 2 months ago a crazed leftist almost blew Trump's head off on live TV after Biden declined security requests and the media totally stopped talking about it"
Oh look - Lauren Chen hated on President Trump. She justified NOT vote for him. Below.
YouTube ban of her, is senseless. Pure prejudice & "let's ban conservatives!"
To be clear: I never liked Lauren Chen. & still don't like her. Barely read her. Never quoted her (before).
My interest here is, 1) Free Speech, 2) reject OBVIOUS psy ops.
Somebody ran op........ op to taint & divide USA conservatives - who did nothing wrong.
Lib censors leap on it - to cancel conservatives.
If it is Russia's psy op: It fits in, with how Putin endorsed Kamabla.
Russia knows their name is poison, in USA. Russia knows, if they can taint any USA conservatives - it helps Russia's candidate, Kamabla.
Kamabla-Biden-Obama, they allowed Russia invasions of 2022 & 2014.
So maybe it is Russia's op? or, maybe joint op of Russia & USA Regime? We don't know yet. Maybe Lauren Chen was in on it, somewhat?
But anyway - just to puzzle you libs out there - here's Lauren going against Trump:
Pro-Trump Media Firm Abruptly Folds After Russia Scheme Exposed
The fallout from the alleged propaganda scheme lost Chen her broadcasting gig with another far-right media group, Blaze Media, which has already wiped episodes of her podcast from Spotify and deleted her contributor page from its website. Blaze Media CEO Tyler Cardon told Semafor that the conservative anchor had been “terminated.”
Looks like everyone, left or right, is treating them as radioactive at the moment.
@hubrys Yes - like I said, she's not great, possibly pro-Kamabla - but - I defend her right of Free Speech & to not be target of USA Regime "justice" ie. lawfare. As I would yours.
And -IF- Chen lied, or violated FARA - Motive (beyond money) & "achievements" (none), must still be explained.
By most accounts, Tenet Media produced crap with low view counts. Crap that influenced no one.
And to what end? Chen says anti-Trump points. Putin says pro-Kamabla points. Do we have coherent picture now? That Russia prefers Kamabla? Or what?
Whole thing is stupid.
I see it as somebody's "smear op" to get conservatives deleted & repressed.
its results
YouTube deletes Taylor Hansen.
Even DOJ Garland, in press conference, conceded these people are victims of crime (if anything) who did nothing wrong.
MSNBC says, speech is to be "moderated in the interest of national security".
video -
Who else thought that?
Richard Nixon........ when he lost Pentagon Papers, famous case New York Times won
Posted here, because in full segment they said to prosecute all of Tenet Media - plus Elon.
Libs.................. Too many of you, sick people.