Charlie Kirk SNAPS After Black Students OPENLY Support “Anti-White Racism”
Hysterical anti-white racist black chick claims that whites are hunting and killing black people on the campus of Alabama Uni.
Go figure that she's an African-American studies major.
Not surprisingly, like all liberals, she doesn't know what's going on in the world around her, but she thinks it's all a bunch of white supremacy. She doesn't know that a virtually all-black school board in Atlanta did racial segregation. Charlie Kirk got that wrong, partly, because it was a lot more than just a couple of 6th grade classrooms that were segregated.
Yale also had segregated dorms for black students, as did others Charlie didn't mention.
From its comments
feels unsafe at Alabama...chose to be a student at Alabama
It's hard to fit in ANYWHERE when you are trying to make it about race.
who's hunting her?
I'm a white woman. You have more privilege than I have ever had