Watch Republican run away from questions concerning his healthcare amendment
New Jersey Republican Representative Tom MacArthur is hearing all kinds of questions today after it came to light that the “amendment” he authored to do away with the Affordable Care Act would exempt him and his staff—who would still be guaranteed their Obamacare regulations. How does a Republican official act when faced with a serious question that he wasn’t pre-fed by a think tank? The Huffington Post’s Matt Fuller recorded Rep. MacArthur’s answer.
Tom MacArthur literally runs away from questions about his amendment. -
You really have to be a SICK and TWISTED person to vote for a Republican. These people cried like snowflakes for the past 7 years and told the American people LIES about how awful ObamaCare is. Then when they finally have a real chance to repeal it they introduce a massive tax cut for the rich and pretend it's a healthcare bill even though most of ObamaCare remained intact.
When that fails they decide to strip away healthcare for millions of people which will ultimately KILL more Americand than ISIS could even dream of killing. And all the while they decide to KEEP ObamaCare for themselves…....because apparently they like it. I couldn't have imagined thing would turn out like this. I know Ryan and McConnell are total scumbags but I hope there are enough Republican with enough morals to stand up against this act of terrorism against Americans.