Missouri AG asks US Supreme Court to review state court's decision
A Missouri court removed jurors from a case because they were Christians. The court found that there was no basis for the claims by the plaintiff's lawyer that they would be biased, but removed them anyway "to err on the side of caution".
The plaintiff was a lesbian.
I bet this wouldn't happen if it were Muslim jurors.
@raphjd If Christians are going to keep telling us over and over again that Christ hates the Gays, then it shouldn't be our fault for listening to them.
Striking a juror based on their religious views is nothing new. It's why so few Catholics make it onto capital punishment juries. The Attorney General just cares here because it involves LGBT issues and if the State loses this case, then it will owe the plaintiff money for wrongful termination.
Then we should kick LGBTjsodfos;fnsi+ jurors off of cases that involve Christians. They should also be banned from pedo cases since they love pedos.
We should also ban liberals from cases that involve conservatives and libertarians.