Anyone else having difficulty searching torrents (no results)?
I get zero search results when I type in keywords. But torrents show up in my leeching in my profile section, and torrents are still up/visible, just not searchable.
I even try with dead links, and search words in description but nothing showing up on results.
@justmejon See if any of the information here is related. Including another link at the bottom.
@Rotron Thank you! For some reason (if searching wo quotation marks) the search can only retrieve 1-word search. 2-word search would give zero results. Putting search terms inside quotation marks did the trick!
@justmejon Well, thank you also for letting me know more about it specifically. I now know more of what's going on and it seems that's what I experiencing too when checking for old titles.
Question is how then if I uploaded a title and it's an exact duplicate of an existing torrent but I did search for it before doing so and this problem caused me uploading a duplicate.
What would be the verdict?
@Rotron Don't worry. With a high probability, moderators will also not find a duplicate
@pupkinvasya Alrighty!
Just making sure I stay a good and trusted model citizen here.
@Rotron I've been tagged with a duplicate upload once. I think having same titles don't affect duplicates but rather having the exact same file (file size, resolution, audio quality, etc) uploaded as a different torrent either by another user or re-upload by the same user due to previous upload issues. But don't quote me on that, I might be wrong
@justmejon Yes. Thank you. I'm always careful of such things before I proceed with anything.
when search is broken ...
Use double quotation marks/quotation marks [ " " ]
ex: "keyword" or "key word"
apostrophe/punctuation mark [ ' ' ]
ex: 'keyword' or 'key word'
"keyword' or "key word'
'keyword" or 'key word"do not use the ff symbols like [& - _ +] etc ...
@john32123666 Got that. Thanks!
moderators will also not find a duplicate
duplicates can only be found by means of reporting ...
moderators/staff/admin/helpdesk: can only modify/evaluates [this process]
of what is being reported if it is valid and comply w/ the rules ... -
@john32123666 Great! Thanks for clarifying that up.
@justmejon There is a known issue that creeps up from time to time when the database needs a tune up. I have alerted the sysadmin to the issue and it should get resolved soon.