Torrents with tiny pictures attached
Ever since the change to the site I've been noticing increasing numbers of torrents with absolutely tiny pictures uploaded. Some of them are so small that the details are almost indistinguishable; for example, the DVD covers for the Cockyboys movie, 'Big Bro Little Bro Raw' ( are utterly useless.
There is often a mix of varying sizes, as on the Cockyboys link, with some decent sizes, some small, and some tiny, so I've been unable to figure out if it's a problem with my browser, with the site config, or users are just getting away with uploading absolute rubbish! Do other people see the same size differences, or is it just me?
Main concern is that posters are not aware of the torrent presentation ...
They are only concern to boost up their ratio ...
And some spamming w/ repetitive pictures and irrelevant to the content ...The easiest way is to correct thumb/pictures pixels upon submission...
There are bunch of Free software and most OS includes photo editor ...
best ex: Quality 960x540[p] and up| worst under 320x240[p] low and poor resolution ...
Ex: 1 [acceptable]
Ex: 2 [unacceptableThey must Aware on this ...
Please upload only BIG Pictures in GOOD quality!
(many file types supported like .bmp .psd .jpg .tif etc. Uploaded Files will be automatically resized by the System.) -
@john32123666 Yes, that's the ideal, but it doesn't solve the current problem of large numbers of users uploading rubbish. I've seen pictures which were under 10kb - you can imagine what kind of pixelated junk they were.
I used to upload good quality pictures when possible. However, since some changes to the site, I no longer see an 'upload pictures' button if there are 1
Something happened, and my reply submitted halfway through typing it.
@john32123666 Yes, that's the ideal, but it doesn't solve the current problem of large numbers of users uploading rubbish. I've seen pictures which were under 10kb - you can imagine what kind of pixelated junk they were. Perhaps there should be a minimum filesize accepted?
I used to upload good quality pictures when possible. However, since some changes to the site, I no longer see an 'upload pictures' button if there are 10 pictures already, irrespective of their quality. Sometimes the pictures are completely random and absolutely nothing to do with the attached video - there should be some sort of penalty for picture spammers, & perhaps people who submit large numbers should be marked for moderation?