Unable to choose freeleech duration for my own torrent
I have uploaded two torrents. I am able to freeleech the first one and choose how many points to spend for how long. This one was uploaded long before gaytor.rent became a thing.
The second one I uploaded two weeks ago to this day using the new url. While the button to allow me to freeleech is there, the drop down menu is blank. The behavior is the same in Chrome and Firefox.
You can not Freeleech a torrent, w/o sufficient [SBP] balance it will remain blank,
this happens w/ large size torrent ...
also You cannot Freeleech a torrent [under 7 days of posting] ...You can only Freeleech a torrent w/ time period [option] if you reach the enough allowed minimum [SBP] Balance ...
@john32123666 Ah. So then that means the torrent size exceeds my seed bonus points. I didn't know that. Thank you.
Not the torrent size of that torrent but the starting sbp required for a torrent to be freeleech exceed your current sbp.
Your sbp is not sufficient even for a 24 hrs freeleech