Unable to upload anything since today
I've come to the conclusion that there's some bug on the server side.
Since my first message here, I've followed NF16's advice (above) and made use of perseverance.
Some pics made their way through after repeating the upload process again and again.
@Douseikekkon I can upload great with NordVPN.. however, I am on a PC. Mac's are a different animal.
are you using both a cable modem AND router? try plugging in directly to the cable modem. You might have some odd setup in the router.
also.. if you are plugged into the cable modem.. try plugging into the router instead.
@Douseikekkon I would try helping you out more.. but I cannot. Because I am being punished by not being able to upload for 3 months, even though two mods say that there are no restrictions on my account.. yet this site TELLS me I am suspended for 90 days. And I did nothing wrong.. and neither did a bevy of other uploaders who also got suspended for no rational reason.
So.. I can't test out your problem myself. 90 days is a long time. By that time, the only recent content on this site will be asian porn, amateur jack off videos, onlyfans, and the mandatory scat, torture, and simulated death videos - one of which features arms and legs being amputated so that the person can be forcibly milked while their balls are in jagged alligator vice grips. For people who are into that stuff. The future is very bright and promising! Hunter Biden and Prince Andrew will be applying for a membership for that stuff!
Well… I have one fiber box and an ethernet cable between it and the mac.
Among other experiments, I followed a procedure which makes use of an .opvn file to configure the box.
Nothing worked.
I have received today an answer (in French) from Nord, which says:
« NordVPN n'offre actuellement pas de fonctionnalité de port-forwarding pour des raisons de sécurité, mais nous discutons activement de la possibilité de l'inclure ultérieurement dans la configuration de notre serveur. »Roughly : “NordVPN does not currently offer port-forwarding functionality, for the sake of security, but we are actively considering its inclusion in our server's configuration in the future.”
According to the mail I should be refunded within 10 days…
P. S.: I'd included in my mail this image of Transmission preferences, with all ports obstinately shut by NordVPN.