Comic/actor Gilbert Gottfried dead @67
Gilbert Gottfried died after a long battle with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy; Dystrophia Myotonica type 2.
I like his sarcastic tone of speaking especially as Iago in Aladdin.
@raphjd Here's a sample of Gilbert Gottrfied at his funniest.
Youtube Video -
Kudos, all posts above. After hearing the sad news, I came across a 2016 YouTube video -- a roast of George Takei with Gilbert at the podium.
For those who knew Gottfried from late-night network TV stand-ups, be advised that his comedy club performances were shockingly and delightfully vulgar, completely devoid of political correctness. In this clip, he uses the "F" gay slur with gusto and assurance, because the crowd knows he is playing against those tropes, and that he's a friend to the end.
Respect and giggles, Mr. Gottfried.