The search function has just been spiced up
As you might already read on our homepage:
The search in our torrent lists had not been very accurate lately. Today we have installed an update which allows more accurate searching.
Previously, search terms like > "blow job" anal -twink
were not very well supported and returned way too many results. In worst case and with more complicated search terms the script even crashed.if you find still any buggy result, let me know
hopefully you like this change -
Thank you so much for all you do!
Great job on this…Thanks a lot !!! :cheers:
Thank you, Joker! :cheesy2:
Will take this for a test spin later today!
This is awesome news thank you so much!
@joker - is there a definitive document anywhere as to the search syntax options pls? Tnx
Thank you! However, I noticed a gap. I tried searching for David Scott and got no result. Even when I tried with option including dead and still no result. I know there are two dead torrents (I am leeching them hoping someone will reseed at some point). They are in category Twinks and Jock, and both are included in my search default. Is there something that I missed?
@okcancel I'm also getting no results when I search FIRST LAST name.
Further to my last comment, I tried including the words in double quotes (") and that seemed to do the trick.
@okcancel Thank so much! I just filed a feedback today because the search function always return no results when I search for a string of words! Putting them in quotation marks do the trick.
To add to my reply above, please fix this issue if possible or put a notice of the correct search syntax in the search bar because it might lead to a loss in traffic to many torrents, especially low seed ones!