CyberPunk 2077 - minor review
I'm enjoying the game, BUT it has problems.
For reference, I am playing on an Xbox ONE X.
People, including myself, are experiencing a game-killing glitch where Jackie disappears during the mainline quest "The Heist". He disappears in the penthouse, which can be managed if you do it right. HOWEVER, when you go to leave the penthouse, Jackie disappears and there is nothing you can do to change that. You can't leave the hotel if Jackie isn't with you to get in the elevator.
Not everyone experiences this game-breaking bug, and no one seems to have any idea why it's happening to some players and not others.
My guess is that it is somehow related to things you did previously in the game, resulting in some sort of broken code.
People are saying there are frequent crashes. This seems to be due to staying in the open map and not going into a sequenced map. I say this, without total proof, because when I experience the crashes, is when I'm spending ages in the open maps. Going into a sequenced map allows your RAM to unload all the crap from the main map.
My game has frozen when I'm wandering around town and move the camera around too fast in a busy area.
There are many, many graphical glitches that can be comical or annoying, or in my case "whatever, just fix the game wrecking bugs".
If you have this problem, you can turn down the graphics settings in the game menu.
If you have a high-end PC, then most of this does not apply to you.
Xbox Series X also seems to be working fairly well, for the most part.
PS5 and Xbox ONE X are seeing some bugginess.
PS4 Pro, PS4, and Xbox ONE are hit quite hard.
Let's ignore the problems for a bit.
The gameplay is fun.
You can do missions any way you want, stealth, guns blazing, etc.
Some missions have specific requirements, such as "no kills".
You can help the cops when they are fighting the gangs, or you can side with the gangs against the cops. You can also help the gangs in shootouts, but then clear out gang areas.
If you do harm to a group, you can't then immediately do a mission for them. You will have to wait a while.
To get double XP, do a non-lethal takedown of bad guys, then once you have cleared the room of active bad guys, go back and kill all the unconscious baddies.
Cars are expensive. Save your money, at least for a while, and let the game give you cars via missions.
Like RPGs of old, you advance your skills by doing them. As an example, Athletics is advanced by running and jumping, while Crafting is advanced by crafting and upgrading stuff.
nice clothes ;D
I found the male hooker and had gay sex.
Despite not being hardcore, it was still pretty graphic.
The cocks are odd.
Uncut cocks (either size) are static, while cut cocks move sort of like you would expect. They tend to move only at the circumcision scar, so the shaft is static, but the head moves freely.
If you play a female character, you can only have big tits when you are naked.
When wearing clothes, your cock or tits are made the small size.
Despite the claims from the start, they have officially removed nudity from the game, except in the wardrobe menu.
If you are on PC, you can get a mod that allows you to run around naked at all times. As I understand it, you will still have your armor protections from your equipped clothes, just that they will be invisible.