Anyone got this movie?
Im trying to download this torrent…
But it doesnt have anyone seeding it and wont download.
Has anyone got this movie at all?
Thanks -
Have you tried the ReSeed request button?
If you have and no joy after a few days, then make a request in the Porn Request section.
You will need to have 3+ valid posts in the forums (excluding the welcome section). If any of your posts are deleted for rule violations, then you may not be able to see the Porn request section until you have the proper amount of posts again.
Sorry i didnt see the re seed button, have clicked that now.
Hopefully someone has it
Thanks for your help -
Dont think the reseed request worked.
Anyone that has this movie please let me know -
Don't give up… I had been begging all over the internet for someone to upload Drilligans Island (a parody of Gilligans Island) for 4.8 years before someone finally uploaded it in September 2020!
Unfortunately, whoever uploaded it.. uploaded it with the sound out of sync with the video - which was extremely annoying. Some genius managed to get the sound in sync with the video and uploaded and IN SYNC version... -
You made another post asking about this exact one. Will copy my response just in case the other one was not viewed:
Not even making it Freeleech is helping. It's possible nobody has seen the request and has the file as well as the ability to restore it to their torrent client. The comments on that torrent indicate the file may be damaged.
Google and DuckDuckGo has some instances of this file being mentioned, but no actual links to the video. PornHub does not have it.
Someone came through, and there is now 7 seeders on this.
The files opened with no problem and there are 5 videos.
True, a couple of hours ago, I was trying to freeleech and promote this torrent but to know avail.
Now, a member have freeleech this torrent and so I triedto promote it and it works.
Thanks Kalayaan!
Tried to leave a comment on that torrent but got 404. Maybe that is temporary.
It has come to my attention that this torrent is in .rar file which is a no-no when uploading a vid, we only allowed this kind of compressed file in Comic and Yaoi, Books and Magazines and Image category.
So it will be anybody's ball to upload it, in uncompressed file and when the freeleech time is up, I will remove this torrent.
To whomever, will upload the file (I hope it will be the original uploader of this file), go to this link and click "Send Kalayaan a PM with the torrent link"