New Year Free Leach? Ratio 0.5 again?
Will it go this year??
Ratio 0.5 again? 0.55 is too much And was so unexpected after all those years.
Please Please?:ecake:
I also feel the same. The rules very difficult for people who have just started here. Please please relax the rules.
I also feel the same. The rules very difficult for people who have just started here. Please please relax the rules.
As you have a ratio of 0.0000 I can only suggest spending €5 to buy 6gb of data. This would cover you for the 3gb downloaded and give you credit of 3gb to help you build your ratio.
Isnt it normally Christmas Day when we have a free leach? hope there is one this year.
Someone (either my ISP or VPN) is cockblocking me today by choking off my download speed, so I hope they'll bring back this offer for New Years! Everything was going swimmingly for a couple of hours this morning, but then it seems someone noticed me indulging in my Xmas present and put a stop to it! I've been getting 10kB/s download speeds ever since.
I started a bunch of Freeleach files on Christmas day, but over half of them weren't being seeded. Now they have been taken off the Freeleach list. Question - if I started them while they were Freeleach, do they still count as Freeleach or am I now being charged against my ratio? Most of these said they would be free leach long enough for me to download them, but like I said, they weren't (and some still are not) being seeded.
Thanks -
I'm in the same situation, there's only one file left that hasn't been fully downloaded but three did not load during the Freeleech period.
So, I can tell you. It doesn't matter that you clicked on them during the Freeleech. Any part that downloads when the Freeleech is finished counts against the ratio.
Same thing as when it's a regular Freeleech.
I used the Freeleech on Christmas day and it was amazing!! There were some torrents I never would downloaded due to their size and my ratio.
Now I really expect to have the same on new year day!!! -
It will take me a couple of months to go through everything I downloaded. The Freeleech was great.