Cued download in torrents wont start
I have this problem since last year even though it says that with my given ration I can download upto 100+ torrents a day problem is at timeee some of my cueing downloads would sit for days even a week w/o loading or starting to download anything why is that happening??? I checked the torrent and its a recent upload yet I cannot seem to grab anything from it. hope I can download it before it gets deleted or something… its been sitting iside in the my bitorrent w/o loading download at all...
If you had told us about your torrent client we could have tried to give you some hints. From your description it seems a problem of your client not of our backend.
I didn't have a look at your download figures - watch your ratio though!
DOwnloading this torrent file quite healthy as it's just uploaded
But sadly it's been sitting like this w/o any movements for 2days inside my torrent file
even though its on a priority download wahhh! -
:cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
DOwnloading this torrent file quite healthy as it's just uploaded
But sadly it's been sitting like this w/o any movements for 2days inside my torrent file
even though its on a priority download wahhh!In your screenshot, it shows status as "bad ratio". I have run into this same problem because I was trying to download too many files at the same time. Maybe you have some large multi-file torrents that you are seeding but you only downloaded some of the files. Maybe you have some torrents that that you are trying to download that don't have any seeders you can connect to and they have been sitting there trying to download for a long time. Or maybe you have both. My torrent software will show me "downloading" torrents only and that's an easy way to check for those.
Those count against the total number you are allowed to download at the same time. (That's different from and much lower than your daily torrent download limit.) Pause those torrents if you have several and see what happens.
I think the problem was your ratio.
As I write this, you are 0.014 over the minimum ratio for you to download. You probably just got back over the hump to download again.