Blame game - the left's double standards
A well-known nutter who should have been in a mental institution killed a Remoan MP. The left blamed this on ALL Leavers.
A Bernie supporter shoots up a Republican baseball practice and liberals get all screechy saying it's unfair that a lone wolf is being used against them.
So, if a "conservative" is ALL conservatives, then why isn't a liberal ALL liberals? We don't see this same "logic" from conservatives. In fact, most conservatives, myself included, have said that a lone wolf isn't all any group.
Any liberals gonna man up and explain this?
Let's all get along. Every side has double standards at certain times usually because of optics. The ones that don't tow the party line are usually drowned out by the majority in their party so we don't get to hear them which results in this single wall of voices that sound the same, unfortunately.
But that's the problem.
Liberals rarely, if ever, to shout down the scum on their own side.
The Women's March is rampant with misandry, anti-white, anti-semitism, anti-LGBT and countless other vile things. The Women's March fell apart because they didn't want honkies taking part, so they canceled the marches. Now that it's virtually dead, the "moderate" liberals are finally coming out to condemn the organizers, but not the hate-filled messages of the march.
It's "racist" to point out the fact that muslims from Pakistan/Afghanistan make up about 2% of the UK population while making up over 89% of the rape gangs. Victims were threatened by police, social services and all levels of government if they spoke publically about the problems.
It took over 7 years before a "moderate" muslim came on UK TV to denounce 9/11. Off the top of my head, I can't remember his name, but it was the guy the SPLC claimed was an anti-muslim racist even though he's a muslim. The SPLC settled the lawsuit and paid him a ton of cash for lying about him.
In the guise of "diversity", Yahoo and HuffPo purged all the men above the 2nd rung of management. HuffPo even tweeted "this is what diversity looks like" with all women, except no black women.
The BBC loves to spout the "gender wage gap" lie. When the BBC did their own employee salary audit, the vast majority of those who were underpaid was men. So, in reality, the BBC was guilty but in the completely opposite way of the lie, they continue to spew even today.
Liberals never, ever call out feminism.
Liberals never, ever call out socialism. "But, those brown people did it wrong, us whities will do it right".
Liberals never, ever call out their racism of low expectations.
Liberals never, ever condemn Antifa, BAMN, etc, etc, etc
Liberals lie about facts, to suit their narratives. They claim that all whites, are racist over 1 incident, that turned out to be a total lie by the victim's mom. They claim that non-whites, especially blacks, are the main victims of whites in violent crimes. Obama's DOJ (run by 2 blacks during Obama's 8 years) showed that whites were nearly 7x more likely to be victims of blacks in violent crimes than the other way around. They lie about the stats. In all "whites vs ****" stats, whites are the victims more than the other racial group. I guess Obama's white half used white supremacy to fake the stats.
Virtually everyone agrees that racist white people are assholes. Sadly, liberals justify racism by non-whites with the Dictionary fallacy.
There's been a rise in hate crimes. Not surprisingly, the rate of fake hate crimes has skyrocketed. Many hate crimes are straight up fake as fuck. Others, like those black chicks on the bus (Michigan U ????), used "hate crime" to get out of the shit they were in for their own actions.
Tawanna Brawley, back in the 1980s, was out whoring. She came home late so she and her mother faked the gang rape by white cops. Al Sharpton jumped on that shit quickly. Even after he found out it was a total lie, he kept up the lie to promote racial strife.