Facebook wants your private financial data
Facebook Inc. wants your financial data.
The social-media giant has asked large U.S. banks to share detailed financial information about their customers, including card transactions and checking-account balances, as part of an effort to offer new services to users.
No Facebook, you can't have it. It belongs to GOOGLE :cheesy2:.
No Facebook, you can't have it. It belongs to GOOGLE :cheesy2:.
Turns out, Google and Mastercard are doing something similar already.
Fuck Facebook. I haven't messed with that in forever. As for Google, you know they are probably sharing every keystroke, and Mastercard is the last to get it. Trust "Big Brother" is up in your business so far he can probably tell you how many wrinkles there are in your colon. Between cell phones and computers there is little they can't get to.
Yet another reason why I've deleted Facebook, lol
Im not suprised, i am suprised though that they asked. Dont they just usually go and spy everything out. lol . I hope you guys saw the bad lip reading of the trial with zuckerberg. was funns. If you didnt …..... here it is . Enjoy
THAT was fucking awesome. LOL
Yeah , glad you liked it man. they do alot of bad lip reading for other stuff. check that out.
Yeah , glad you liked it man. they do alot of bad lip reading for other stuff. check that out.
I did - that is bloody funny shit. THIS has always been another fav of mine : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWdiHtv6T6s
Turns out, Google and Mastercard are doing something similar already.
They have been doing it since long long ago, and Google is not only focused on your financial data, it actually follows you up on everything just like some governments intelligence networks conspiracy. One has to rather decide who to share their info with, better GOOGLE than any other.
Google will share the data with whomever they want.
Sorry, but I rather governments collecting the data than a private corporation.
Oh I thoroughly believe the government has been doing that since dial up began. I think what may have taken longer was their ability to parse the intell. You don't think the sudden advent of free cameras in virtually everything was just some freak accident do you. It's all good, I am sure they use their magic powers wisely.
Bottom line is don't get up to stupid things and there is really nothing to worry about. Eventually everything will be done by instant dna, although that will likely spurn a new level of criminal behavior. Bottom line is if someone really wants what you have they will find a way to get it. I am just waiting for the first cryptocurrency hack and run. It will eventually happen, for every brilliant mind creating a new way to use the internet, there are a thousand just as brilliant hackers waiting for the challenge.
I am also waiting to see what happens when we make humans thoroughly obsolete.