VANISHED! beau90 Straight B0Y Whisperer
Full torrent name: beau90 Straight B0Y Whisperer 3 Bi Dude Refers 22yo Friend
Used to be at:
Cannot check that out because Access Denied.
If the torrent has been pulled for some reason, does that mean it does not appear among the Dead
torrents but has been disappeared into oblivion, vanished away like the unfortunate Baker in the great metaphysical poem by Lewis Carroll, who hunted the snark only to discover that what he found was not that at all, but something much more dangerous:In the midst of the word he was trying to say,
In the midst of his laughter and glee,
He had softly and suddenly vanished awa–
For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.So this dead torrent just imitated someone on a quest but ended up Access Denied like a boojum?
Normally we can at least see it in some aspects because the torrent has been moved to ModsOnly, but in this case, I'm not entirely sure as to what happened with this torrent. I've never seen anything like what I see on my end when I open the torrent information page.
That torrent was first moved to a non-public listing, to allow downloading members to get the complete files, and then deleted as duplicate to this:
However, it looks the deleting script got a glitch and didn't delete it completely from the data base, making it an 'empty' entry. The SysOp is aware of the issue and still investigating on its exact cause.