Unsupported piece size
I am having troubles loading the torrent
Bareback Collection of 100 @f@raternit@y not@X@
I get the following error message from the latest version of utorrent (3.5.3 [build 44494] ):-
Unable to load "Collection of 100 @f@raternit@y not@[email protected]": unsupported piece size (64.0 MB)!"
Anybody any ideas what is going on? I must admit a 64 MB piece size (I assume that is a chunk?) does seem a little big, I would have expected it to have been a little smaller.
All other torrent are ok, just this one.
Thanks guys
There are two things that can cause this. One of them is the @ symbol in the file or folder name. This causes big problems with creating torrents because of how it affect the bencoding of the .torrent file. The second possibility is you may have exceeded the number of files that you can handle in a single torrent. This is most common with picture sets. If you have picture sets, it may help to roll only the pictures of the set into a single ZIP file but make sure to NOT put the videos themselves into the ZIP file.