How can I get a .2 ratio?
I was only able to download one movie before I was cut off and that movie apparently never gets downloaded. What can I do to remove the download block in this situation?
Well, you unfortunately have quite a deficit, this makes it harder to actually repair that ratio. However, there are some options:
1. Upload something following the upload guidelines (which will have the greatest effect on your ratio immediately).
2. Use a freeleech torrent, which I am fairly certain should not be disabled by the rationator for you: to find these, use the search function, select "freeleech only" under the "where to search" under the input field. (not browse, though you can determine what is a freeleech torrent by the "Freeleech" banner in browse, it can be harder to find something you may like). Make sure enough time is left on the freeleech that you can grab it all before the timer expires. The benefits of freeleech is that anything you download does not count against your ratio, but the upload still counts. Thus, although you are competing for multiple people to upload with new leechers in these cases, anything that does go through is pure upload "profit" on your part. Find something you like, enjoy it, and let it repair your ratio a bit.
3. Points: Acting as a seeder will slowly net you points (again, a freeleech torrent is a good thing to have active), which can be exchanged for upload credits even if you are not actually uploading to anyone. This takes quite a while to build however, and based on your deficit nothing short of a 10GB infusion is going to help you much.