Fuck, Marry, Kill… the Game
Oh, as this would be a blasphemy for persons of faith, I'm going to jump in…
Fuck Jesus. Have you seen the actors in those History Channel specials?
Marry the Holy Spirit. He's quiet, and wouldn't need a lot of closet space.
Kill God. Philosophers cry "God is dead," so maybe I'm already too late.F, M, K Sesame Street residents…?
Bert https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/muppet/images/e/e1/Bert_smile.png/revision/latest?cb=20110630173259
Count von Count http://www.molecularecologist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/8365633951_4e2efb5bf0_b.jpg
Guy Smiley https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/muppet/images/9/9d/GuySmiley.png/revision/latest?cb=20140309023944 -
Fuck - Guy Smiley - Although it'd drive me nuts
Marry - Bert - So practical lol
Kill - The count - to shut him up with all the freaking counting lolMy Three are retro icons F,M,K.. James Dean, Paul Newman, Robert Redford
They're already in order
Fuck - James Dean (Adorable but so many emotional problems.)
Marry - Paul Newman (My mother always wanted me to have a Jewish wedding)
Kill- Robert Redford (I've always found him smarmy and he did not improve with age.) -
Marry YONNG Redford,
Fuck the hell out of Dean,
and kill Newman, the least attractive of the bunch.Fuck, marry, and kill a Superman
henry cavile,
christopher reeve,
brandon routh -
Marry Brandon Routh
Get fucked by Christopher Reeve
And kill Henry CavillFMK: Your best friend brother, your partner father and your uncle.
marry brother
kill father
fuck uncleMarc Dylan, Tomas Brand, Donated Trump
I had to Google for two of these guys, which should have been a clue that they were out of my "type."
But here are the photos, for someone else to F, M, K, – who likes their men BIG and BEEFY. :drool2:
Marc Dylan: http://www.gaytime.info/images/2012/apr/marc-dylan-0.jpg
Tomas Brand: https://i2.wp.com/www.queermenow.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Tomas-Brand-Gay-Porn-Star.jpg
Lucius Socrates: http://cocksuckersguide.com/StarSearch/fullmainimage/6/luciuskbsocratesmain.jpg -
Ewww. Can I kill them all?
Well, the only one who's mildly attractive to me is the middle guy Thomas, so marry him.
I could close my eyes and wait for Marc to get it over with, so fuck him.
I'd kill the last guy.And who in their right man kills Henry Cavail!?! :afr:
Think of the cast from Modern Family. Who do you fuck, marry, kill: Cam, Mitch, Jay? ;D
Kill: Jay. Got nothing against him.
Marry: Mitch. He's just lovely.
Fuck: Cam… While imagining Phil instead.At FRIENDS age: Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer and Matt LeBlanc.
I'm assuming characters;
Matt LeBlanc (Joey) - Fuck
David Schwimmer (Ross) - Marry.
Matthew Perry (Chandler) - Kill - to put him out of his misery.From Major Crimes
Wes Nolan (played by Daniel di Tomasso), Julio Sanchez (played by Raymond Cruz), Fernando Morales (played by Jonathan Del Arco) -
Oh, drat – a response while I was typing! But, it's fine -- I would have the same FMK as JA, with the provision, "fuck Matt LeBlanc a million times." :missio:
You can be a princess! Not with Prince Harry, that is so predictable. But feel free to F, M, K these lesser-known royals:
Prince Wenzeslaus of Lichtenstein: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hbz.h-cdn.co/assets/16/44/hbz-royal-bachelors-prince-wenzeslaus-of-liechtenstein.jpg
Prince Hussein of Jordan: https://scontent-dft4-3.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/20905471_1560255867371119_5256408262219137024_n.jpg
Prince Amadeo of Belgium: https://hips.hearstapps.com/toc.h-cdn.co/assets/cm/14/37/540f835c513a7_-_tcx-12-bachelors-prince-amedeo-0213-xl-lg.jpg
Fuck Prince Amadeo of Belgium, he's built for hardcore sessions.
Marry Prince Hussein of Jordan and his wide face and big forehead.
Kill Prince Wenzeslaus of Lichtenstein for his long long face.FMK: Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas.
I had to look them up since I'm not into Bubblegum pop.
Fuck- Joe (he's in sort of a music group now)
Marry - Nick (he's an actor who plays gay a lot)
Kill - Kevin (he's doing "reality" tv)David Lee Roth, Phil Anselmo, Ozzy Osburne. With pics from their heydays
Marry David Lee, gosh those facial features.
Fuck Ozzy Osbourne, is one of my fantasies.
Kill Phil since I know nothing of him.FMK: cteavin, kenjysn1 & flozen.
I would fuck ct and marry kenjyan, at which point I would simply die of happiness. :love:
F, M, K: CNN anchors…
Anderson Cooper http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/.a/6a00d8341c630a53ef0168e9f2dea0970c-pi
Van Jones http://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/van-jones-1.jpg
Jake Tapper http://images.tritondigitalcms.com/6616/sites/238/2016/09/25171754/jaketapper-3.jpg
(These are really nice pics, I must re-learn how to post them properly.)
Widly ride Anderson Cooper with glasses on
Marry Van Jones and take him bridal carry.
Kill Jake Tapper with a spoon.FMK: 50 Cent, Kanye West & Jay-Z
Oh, I would fuck Kanye West with his mouth taped shut, and marry Jay-Z and see what made Beyonce say "I do."
That leaves 50 Cent to get (another) bullet – a guy who's made a number of homophobic comments in the past, and I felt his later gay "support" was just to get Hollywood roles:
Now it's time to Fuck, Marry, Kill some major heart-throbs:
Ryan Gosling, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ryan Reynolds
That's easy.
Ryan Gosling - Marry (My mom knows his mom so they can introduce us. True!)
Ryan Reynolds - Fuck
Benedict Cumberbatch - Kill (One, he isn't Canadian. Two, Khan… REALLY?!)Oops, the next three. From the Kingsmen - Taran Egerton, Edward Holcroft, Channing Tatum
Fuck Channign Tatum in his Beautiful Trauma dress.
Marry Edward Holcroft if he uses glasses.
Kill Taron by tickling him to death.Magic Mike XXL - FMK: Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer & Adam Rodríguez.
Fuck Adam Rodriguez
Marry Matt Bomer
Kill Matt ManganielloIron Man, Captain America, Thor