Anti white racism by the news media
The liberal news media is extremely guilty of anti white racism when reporting (or not) the news.
If a racist cunt white guy shoots up a black church, we never hear the end of it.
If a racist cunt black guy shoots up a white church, we barely hear of it.
If blacks kidnap a mentally challenged white guy and torture him, while shouting "fuck white people" or "fuck Trump", the mainstream news outlets don't want to know about it for at least 2 days. When they finally report it, they claim it's not a hate crime despite the video and the confessions of the kidnappers.
When 9 blacks drag a white guy out of his car, beat him up and steal his car, the mainstream news media don't want to talk about it until the story gets too big in the blogs. Then they say shit like "oh, oh, poor, poor white people". Imagine if the event was the opposite. The news media would have reported it instantly and they would NOT have said "oh, oh, poor, poor, black people".
If whites do something bad, it's always about "toxic whiteness", but when people of other races do the exact same thing, they never claim it's "toxic blackness" or whatever race.
We already talked about this, but last year we had the racism test on social media. Fake accounts were made to make racist comments. The comments were all the same except for the race; FUCK ALL (insert race) PEOPLE!!! Anyone care to guess which race they had no problem with being put into that sentence? YEP, that's correct, They didn't ban the accounts that said FUCK ALL WHITE PEOPLE!!!.
Criticizing ISIS (or whatever they are currently called) would get your account banned, but ISIS could post videos of beheadings and other pro islam propaganda.
So what is the solution?
The media doesn't recognize that it's biased. Chris Todd was praised for saying that his reporting is unbiased – and that's a huge load of shit.
There was a law that, I believe, Regan took down in the 80's: The Fairness Doctrine.
In short, the media was required to show both sides of an issue. A new version of this needs to be reinstated to balance out the overtly biased coverage we're all getting.
In the UK, TV news is legally required to be unbiased but it's not, not really.
The BBC de-muslimed the Paris McDonald's killer. This is the norm in the west.
Breakfast type shows aren't counted as "news" so they can put whatever slant they want, as long as their official news slot is unbiased.
Other than literally killing off a bunch of liberal twat bags and replacing them with centrists, I don't know how to solve the problem.
In the UK, TV news is legally required to be unbiased but it's not, not really.
The BBC de-muslimed the Paris McDonald's killer. This is the norm in the west.
Breakfast type shows aren't counted as "news" so they can put whatever slant they want, as long as their official news slot is unbiased.
Other than literally killing off a bunch of liberal twat bags and replacing them with centrists, I don't know how to solve the problem.
England has a real problem now. It has become heavily influenced by muslims and moonbats.. to the point where when Lilibet invited the Donald to come visit, he can't go because a visit would result in riots. That is probably due to the fact that the mayor of London is a muslim plonker who pulls no punches when it comes to Trump. It seems to me that the PM has the right to criticize a world leader such as Trump, but th e mayor of London should keep his mouth shut when it comes to international relations.