I'm NOT for Trump, and FOR Rand regarding Obamacare "Lite"
"The Republican 'repeal' bill is merely Obamacare Lite, we still get taxed the shit out of us the same, but the money is redistributed to the states. Just another way for the government to take our money and spend it for us. FUCK THEM. We are voting out the RINOS in 2018.
Do you think it's better they pass this legislation and then work towards a broader repeal later, or should they just not pass this at all?
"The Republican 'repeal' bill is merely Obamacare Lite, we still get taxed the shit out of us the same, but the money is redistributed to the states. Just another way for the government to take our money and spend it for us. FUCK THEM. We are voting out the RINOS in 2018.
Well, I generally agree with all of that.
It would be great for Trump to get this new bill passed. It would be good for the republican party to get it passed. I don't think there is such a thing as a good healthcare bill. The US government has no business REQUIRING people to purchase insurance. Social Security is forced insurance.. of which Medicare is a part.I'm not a fan of the government controlling MY life. They should stick to representing the people on the global stage looking OUTWARDS instead of meddling in my affairs.
They should stick to representing the people on the global stage looking OUTWARDS instead of meddling in my affairs.
If you exercise your freedom to destroy your health you'll eventually need medical care and, if you're able to get it, you'll get that (free) Medicare which is unfair for all the people paying into the system who can't get it. A solution is to make a system where everyone can get health care. The idea is sound; the execution sucks.
The real issue is that during a hurricane if a retailer makes up the price of a bottle of water from 1USD to 100USD we call that price gouging and prosecute yet a bag of saline solution retails at 8USD but is sold through hospitals to insurance companies for 800USD and we call that business as usual:
There can be no solution to health care as long as lobbyists are in Washington, as long as insurance is sold for profit (as opposed to being something closer to a utility), and medical bills are arbitrary. -
Trump wants it passed because it shows that something is being accomplished with the do-nothing Congress. It shows he is getting them to do their job. But the result of this Obamacare lite, even though each state will get to decide what to do with the money, is the same damn tax that I hate fucking paying. Why the fuck should I have to pay for a communist healthcare system?
Why the fuck should I have to pay for a communist healthcare system?
Well, it's not just you. You live as a member within the country.
Americans are way overtaxed, so I feel your frustration. With all the taxes we pay we get a crumbling infrastructure, corrupt politicians, and insane government spending. I hear you.
If government can get their spending under control and reign in the insurance companies there are very good reasons to have a health care system in place: In the greatest country the world has ever known, citizens shouldn't have to choose which finger to sew back on during an accident and people shouldn't die from the common cold.
And it's not "communist". At worst you could call it socialist. If you think that the taxes we pay that go into infrastructure spending, paving the roads and building/maintaining the net, aren't socialist then neither is healthcare.
Trump wants it passed because it shows that something is being accomplished with the do-nothing Congress. It shows he is getting them to do their job. But the result of this Obamacare lite, even though each state will get to decide what to do with the money, is the same damn tax that I hate fucking paying. Why the fuck should I have to pay for a communist healthcare system?
Yes, but when it comes to healthcare, there is no good option. However, the republicans (especially John McCain) campaigned HEAVILY on the promise of repealing and replacing Osamacare - so they have to do something.
They need to start regulating the healthcare industry to get COSTS DOWN… only.. they can't because under Obamacare, the government made a deal with the Insurance companies to NOT regulate them!!!! Obamacare does exactly the OPPOSITE of what it is supposed to do. It was supposed to make healthcare affordable so that people can have healthcare. Instead, it sucks up money, making healthcare even MORE unaffordable. Even if you have a medical problem.. Obamacare sucks 20% out of one's salary, and if you use it, there is still about a $700 deductible.
The only way I'll be ok with it is if I can have an exemption for starting an HSA, which Trump campaigned heavily on.