Deleted 30K emails AFTER subpoena- Give us the emails DELETE "I made a mistake."
Justice Department: Give us the emails.
Hillary: Delete
Hillary: "I made a mistake."
Yea right whore.
Does anyone have a hammer? I need to make a mistake before I make a big accusation about Trump being racist.
I have to deflect from my "mistake." Are you moonbats really going to get up here and not answer Hillary's blatant criminality? Of course not! You don't ascribe to what is lawful, you only ascribe to what feels good. And apparently someone breaking the laws in this country makes you feel good, as long as it's against Trump, who hasn't broken any laws. Talk about the "lawless one" in the Bible. That's you.
Go ahead royalcrowne! Let's here your take on it! Nope. You won't say NOTHING. Because you are either too dumb, or are blatantly lying, and we all know it. If that's false, go ahead, say something. Up to this point, you haven't. Until you do, we will regard you as a complete idiot.
Forget about Hillary deleting emails after a subpoena! Trump is racist! Forget about objectivity, give me subjectivity! Good grief. That is the dumbest shit I've heard in forever. And you can't answer. You cannot answer. You aren't smart enough to answer. You'll just call us circle jerkers! LOL You got nothing and that is why Trump will be re-elected!
Forget about Hillary deleting emails after a subpoena! Trump is racist! Forget about objectivity, give me subjectivity! Good grief. That is the dumbest shit I've heard in forever. And you can't answer. You cannot answer. You aren't smart enough to answer. You'll just call us circle jerkers! LOL You got nothing and that is why Trump will be re-elected!
Trump will be re-elected.. but even then.. by the time Trump completes his two terms, Barron will still only be 18… and when Pence completes his two terms... Barron will only be 26. That means 3 terms to fill before Barron is eligible at 35! Maybe 2 terms of Ivanka? Maybe Don, and then D3.