Any hardcore porn to trade?
Hey, i've got a bunch of hardcore, domination type - paid audio files (over $1000) worth of content, from warpmymind, niteflirt, a few other places. Also, some premium xtube clips, not many, the previtus hate crime porno 2 to trade, for similar paid kind of files, audio or video, thanks. Looking for dominant, verbal kind of stuff, thanks.
Hey, i've got a bunch of hardcore, domination type - paid audio files (over $1000) worth of content, from warpmymind, niteflirt, a few other places. Also, some premium xtube clips, not many, the previtus hate crime porno 2 to trade, for similar paid kind of files, audio or video, thanks. Looking for dominant, verbal kind of stuff, thanks.
You do not need to ask to trade porn here, all you have to do is make a torrent and post what you have, and you can download whatever other torrents other people have provided. You need to install a torrenting program on your computer to do this. Click the FAQ menu item for more information.
Hey, i've got a bunch of hardcore, domination type - paid audio files (over $1000) worth of content, from warpmymind, niteflirt, a few other places. Also, some premium xtube clips, not many, the previtus hate crime porno 2 to trade, for similar paid kind of files, audio or video, thanks. Looking for dominant, verbal kind of stuff, thanks.
It's your first post here, so, of course, welcome. Perhaps it has been some time since you went on a site with a "porn community." The concept of trading porn disappeared quite some time ago. In countries where it is permitted, people (gay, straight, and all else) upload and categorize their porn. This site uses a "torrent" methodology, which may be explained in the FAQs, or easily learned via Google.
Without a doubt, you will find individuals with your porn tastes, and whatever your bedroom inclination, hopefully you will both give and receive. No need to spank … er, I mean thank me.
Lol, thanks, i understand the concept of torrents…But, i don't feel "safe" uploading torrents, but i am willing to trade. I just figure if some people are into the same kind of stuff i am, then we can both, or all spend a fraction of the money. If they want to upload what we trade, then that's upto them. But if i do upload what i've got then, they won't have a need to buy any of those kind of files, or upload them. Cheers. P.s. There are no erotic hypnosis type files on here, or niteflirt goodies, which is mostly what i'm offering, so yeah, only thing i get from uploading them is the possibility of being sued, if we trade, we both win.
Did you do a search for hypnosis? There are quite a few already posted here.
And there is a reason people do not trade anymore- police entrapment.
Trading requires direct one to one communication without anonymity, and that makes it easy for people to get arrested.You should get a VPN, and learn to torrent.
I can understand entrapment for child porn, snuff, bestiality etc, but wouldn't be an issue here, if that's not the issue though, i don't see how trading 1 on 1 is more an issue than uploading to thousands or more people. Anyway, message me if you's are interested, thanks.
FYI, i went to, made an account, and uploaded heaps of files on private, heaps of people added me, with their own content, and the ones i did want, accept my request, definitely the way to go.
FYI, i went to, made an account, and uploaded heaps of files on private, heaps of people added me, with their own content, and the ones i did want, accept my request, definitely the way to go.
that is, more or less, how this site works too- except you do not upload the actual media. you upload a torrent and leave the media on your computer. then you download whatever torrents you want, and others download your torrents if they want.