Trump Stormed Off
Headline: Trump stormed off and left staffers to clean up after Comey memo — and now they’re dreading his tweets
In the wake of fascist analingus being spewed in these Forums, some signs of the implosion of the short-fingered Biggest Loser and his (mostly) unindicted co-conspirators. Today 17 May 2017, a bulletin from the front
White House officials endured their worst day yet working for President Donald Trump, and they dread what’s coming next.
Tuesday began with questions about Trump revealing highly classified intelligence to senior Russian officials, and the day closed with revelations of a memo showing Trump asked former FBI director James Comey to end his investigation of disgraced national security adviser Mike Flynn, reported Politico.
“Nobody knows where this really goes from here,” a White House official said. “Everyone is walking around saying, ‘What is next?'”
Top White House officials knew the bombshell report on the Comey memo was coming two hours before the New York Times posted it online, and the president angrily retreated to his residence upstairs within 75 minutes of the story going live.
That left aides to “figure out how bad the fallout was,” Politico reported, but without tape recordings or even a full readout of Trump’s conversation with Comey, which took place the day after Flynn resigned.
White House surrogates were reluctant to go on TV to defend the president because they weren’t sure what to say, and Fox News host Bret Baier complained Tuesday night that no Republicans were willing to go on camera to push back against the Comey memo.
“We are kind of helpless,” said one White House official.
When Faux Noise can't find anyone from the pig party to defend the man in b.s. well over his preposterous comb over, you know things are bad.
And social media and online news sites are having a field day quoting the famously delusional vulgarian complaining about how that nice crooked Hillary person that James Comey was so rude to that he had to be fired (oops, that was not the real reason after all! All Trump's surrogates were lying! Such a surprise!) could not be trusted to handle state secrets.
He has no loyalty For anyone, and reports indicate everyone in the White House hates the treasonous bastard. Don't be distracted by attempts to dredge up old Hillary scandals, old e-mail nonsense, or to blame Obama. Putin's delusional puppet is going down.
Your comments are so full of it, that they don't deserve a response. Seems like nobody pays any attention to you anyway.
I will point out what you are doing though. You take random bits of news stories that are churned out by various nutjobs and anonymous sources, which are at best speculation, and you add to them with colorful adjectives and verbs. You should get a job writing science fiction novels.
Here is just one example from the most recent issue you mentioned: You said that Trump revealed "highly classified intelligence". You overlooked that the Secretary of State and the U.S. National Security Advisor were at that same meeting and said several times that Trump did nothing wrong. Instead, you and several other news organizations, draw your own conclusions - all stemming from one report written from one unnamed anonymous source. Here's a thought.. if that anonymous source revealed what that supposed highly classified information was, then that anonymous source is guilty of high treason! How would this source even know that the information was HIGHLY classified? My understanding is that when the subject of ISIS and Terrorism came up.. along with one of Russia's airliners recently blowing up with no explanation - Trump mentioned that he heard that ISIS was planning on blowing up planes with laptop computers. That is highly classified information that damages the U.S.? I hardly think so. In case you are ignorant, Russia and the U.S. and many other countries constantly are sharing information (intelligence) if you will that they don't make public. There is a war going on in Syria in which both the U.S. and Russia are involved. They HAVE to share information all the time so that each one knows what the other is doing and don't wind up blowing each other up. Did that not occur to you? Besides that, the president can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants! Whenever senior members of countries meet, such as at summits or otherwise, all they talk about are classified confidential topics. So, this entire diatribe is complete nonsense. It just shows - again - that the libtards will stoop to anything at all to denigrate President Trump, and the truth means nothing. In their eyes, anything and everything Trump does is wrong.
I must compliment you on one thing though.. You do a great job representing the mindset and methods used by the libtards. Congratulations!
:congrats: -
Your comments are so full of it, that they don't deserve a response. Seems like nobody pays any attention to you anyway.
I will point out what you are doing though. You take random bits of news stories that are churned out by various nutjobs and anonymous sources, which are at best speculation, and you add to them with colorful adjectives and verbs. You should get a job writing science fiction novels.
Here is just one example from the most recent issue you mentioned: You said that Trump revealed "highly classified intelligence". You overlooked that the Secretary of State and the U.S. National Security Advisor were at that same meeting and said several times that Trump did nothing wrong. Instead, you and several other news organizations, draw your own conclusions - all stemming from one report written from one unnamed anonymous source. Here's a thought.. if that anonymous source revealed what that supposed highly classified information was, then that anonymous source is guilty of high treason! How would this source even know that the information was HIGHLY classified? My understanding is that when the subject of ISIS and Terrorism came up.. along with one of Russia's airliners recently blowing up with no explanation - Trump mentioned that he heard that ISIS was planning on blowing up planes with laptop computers. That is highly classified information that damages the U.S.? I hardly think so. In case you are ignorant, Russia and the U.S. and many other countries constantly are sharing information (intelligence) if you will that they don't make public. There is a war going on in Syria in which both the U.S. and Russia are involved. They HAVE to share information all the time so that each one knows what the other is doing and don't wind up blowing each other up. Did that not occur to you? Besides that, the president can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants! Whenever senior members of countries meet, such as at summits or otherwise, all they talk about are classified confidential topics. So, this entire diatribe is complete nonsense. It just shows - again - that the libtards will stoop to anything at all to denigrate President Trump, and the truth means nothing. In their eyes, anything and everything Trump does is wrong.
I must compliment you on one thing though.. You do a great job representing the mindset and methods used by the libtards. Congratulations!
:congrats:So many wrong points in one post.
But just to point out the most obvious ones:
the President can NOT do whatever the hell he wants. The constitution created checks and balances and three branches of govt. for precisely this reason, to prevent one single megalomaniac person from running the country in directions that were not in its best interest.
Both the Secretary of State, nor the Security Advisor have been spinning desperately while carefully avoiding saying anything about the actual legality of the situation. McMaster, for instance, has overtly avoided answering 'yes' or 'no' as to whether the information was classified, because he knows he will lose in either case. If the information was classified, then Trump most definitely broke the law in sharing it with Russia.
Russian and America are not Allies in any sense of the word, nor are they working towards a common goal in the Middle East. Notice how Russia scolded the US when Trump bombed the airfield. Russia has its own agenda, and, unlike Trump, will fulfill it regardless of the impact it would have on us. The big question here is why Trump keeps kissing their ass so relentlessly and fawning over them. And how many times has Russia shared information with America? Did Russia tell us before the chemical attack?
And as far as "libtards" stooping to to denigrate Trump. . .wow, just wow. Trump is the guy who relentlessly harassed Obama for YEARS over his birth certitifcate, attacked every action he took in office, attacked Hillary and insisted she needed to be in jail after investigation after investigation cleared her of wrongdoing, paraded out Clinton's old mistresses from decades before, spread scurrilous tabloid rumors of Cruz's dad, and now he is whining at the graduation of how is he is the most attacked president in history.
"Your comments are so full of it, that they don't deserve a response. Seems like nobody pays any attention to you anyway."
And yet somehow, here you are, responding anyway.
"You overlooked that the Secretary of State and the U.S. National Security Advisor were at that same meeting and said several times that Trump did nothing wrong."
The S of S is an unregenerate Confederacy apologist who was specifically, and Twice, told by Trump
to leave the room for that inappropriate private chat with the man conducting investigations against his possible financial corruption and collusion with a foreign power, possibly via fired national security advisor Michael Flynn, a paid foreign agent.The current S of S is active military and as such subject to court martial if he does not do or say anything the Commander in Chief tells him to do or say. No one in this White House has any credibility whatsoever. Why would anyone believe a thing they say about anything at all?
"Instead, you and several other news organizations,"
Surprise! I am not a news organization.
What we know is that immediately after the foot-in-mouth fuckup, intelligence agencies were alerted, our allies in Israel were informed of the breach of protocol (exactly what they had been warned against, in fact), and the world is now less safe.
Since Trump is only the latest member of his gang to try to cover up a meeting with the Russian spy he blabbed to, it might be the Russians who leaked this info. It might be almost anyone because no White House in history has been more of an oozing and pustulent source of leaks.
Did you miss the part about how CNN and others who Know what Trump said did NOT reveal the parts that intelligence officials went into overdrive to cover up lest they be spread even more widely? What has been published in the US so far is MUCH less than what our enemies now know. Careful about throwing around terms like "high treason," buster.
Also, notice the way "Frederick" retells the story. The story is that we have more and deeper intelligence ties with Israel than with any other country. And they have humans inside ISIS risking their lives. These people found out something that Israel shared with the intel agencies and Trumb shot off his mouth and his braggadoccio may have gotten people killed, may have interfered with the US getting vital intelligence. The info came to us with the specific standard operating procedure that it would not be passed to any other country without permission.
No permission was asked or given. The immediate Trumpery denials were carefully worded to deny that he did stuff that news stories did not pretend ever happened.
Not sure what anonymous sources you are thinking about, but stories from multiple news organizations citing multiple separate sources, have reported what the president now claims he had every right to blurt. A little late to be peddling "he did not do anything." That ship has already sailed. Now the story is, "Yeah, I did it. So what?"
Totally apart from attempting to piss off citizens who do not agree with your version of this breaking story, do you have any concern whatever that the overheard screaming from Bannon, Spicer, and others, might indicate a problem? The moment even a brain-addled tantrum thrower says something if that malevolent child is president, those former secrets, if they were secrets, are automagically unclassified. And he can fire people, too. So what? He can also tweet the nuclear codes, but that does not mean it is right, however lawful.
Sure, government officials chat with each other all the time to clarify, negotiate, threaten, and so on. But when superduper double secret Codeword intel is involved, there are procedures, and in this case they involve a mandatory request for permission first. And ANYTHING shared with enemies of the US, specifically with Russia, has a host of long-standing protocols, procedures, check and doublecheck lists of things to be sure off before word one. NONE of this stuff happened. And you think that is a Good Thing? I suppose you also think Trump's upcoming lecture on Islam is just what will make the Saudis out BFFs, right?
These days, brain dead nihilists chant "Russia is our friend! Russia is our friend!" to show how patriotic they are. Take a look at your fellow patriots and stfu: