Definitely agree with the others that it should be his choice.
I am uncut and it's really nor all that hard to keep it clean. Plus, the foreskin is quite sensitive and by removing it, you're effectively decreasing, at least a little bit, of your son's sexual pleasure. Circumcision removes about 1/3rd of the erogenous tissue in the penis, as the foreskin has quite a few nerve endings.
But then again, I was raised in an Indian community, where most of the boys are uncut, so I didn't even know that my cock wasn't considered the "norm" until I started watching porn.
Check this video out:
It has a little more info on both the benefits and the disadvantages. -
It oughta be illegal.
wished i had my skin.
We are having a boy… I am circumcised and I really wish I wasn't. Do we circumcise the baby? Or will other guys in america make fun of him?
I so hope you leave hi alone. Let him have his foreskin the way it should be.
Circumcision, regardless of gender, should be illegal except for actual medical reasons.
As for making fun of uncut people, sure there will be some issues early on when they start having to change/shower at school, swimming lessons, etc, etc but as they age it becomes a totally non issue. The only people that make an issue out of it are the ones that had their sons circumcised.
Leave him as he is. He can decide for himself when he is eighteen.
Imo I wish I had a choice too of whether I was circumcized or not so I feel unless theres any pressing reason you should have him circumcised it doesnt need to be done
Why would anyone want to mutilate a baby. I am circumcised and wish I wasn't. I believe it should only be done out of medical necessity.
I'm cut and I wish I wasn't.
No, no no no no no no , genital mutilation is wrong for all genders.
We are having a boy… I am circumcised and I really wish I wasn't. Do we circumcise the baby? Or will other guys in america make fun of him?
I was cut at the age of 18. Medical reasons and believe me i miss my foreskin. Miss the protection, it was warmer and the skin on the head was softer and ore feeling.
So it should be his own choice, it makes me so mad when I hear women saying it's so more cleaner and looks better when they are cut. But it's wrong. Let the boys keep their foreskin and if they want it gone then let them, but it's their choice then. -
Leave him intact and down the road if he decides to get clipped he can make the decision himself! :surprise:
I am cut and wish I wasn't! Leave his as is and let him make up his mind when he grows up! Just make sure when he is older he learns to pull the foreskin back to keep it clean and keep it from getting too tight!
its really cultural thing. it depends on the norm coz young boys just follow what parents tell them
Younger generations are more weary of circumcision so being uncut is going to become more and more common for the next few decades. If you regret it, don't do it to him. Yes some people will think its weird but if having a foreskin is the one thing that stops a woman or man from wanting to be with him then that person wasn't going to be a great partner outside of a one night stand.
My opinion about this subject is plain and simple:
It's a mutilation. In a person who is too young to be aware of this.
Plus, all kinds of religion stuff were made for a medieval world and medieval minds. Times are quite different right now.We're in 2019 discussing different types of gender identity and there are still people who are guided by obscure books claiming to be "The Word of God"?
PLEASE, if there's any god at all, and if it made us as we are, I see no reason to interfere in bodies that aren't your own. You need to grow up, and then, make whatever shit you desise with you.
Circumcision is not like baptism water over the forehead. It's irreversible and, frankly, in Brazil it's not considered as an option at all. I'm proud of my skin and my very sensible glans. You just need to maintain it clean (as well as your armpits and ass).
Sorry, but I consider this pretty much the same as cutting off girls clits in African tribes.
You can't predict what others will do based on your choice for your child. Americans for the most part, are mentally-sheltered anyway - they could very well make fun of him for being circumcised OR not, depending on which American idiot he comes across. The REAL QUESTION here is, why are you unhappy with how you are fixed? Because what you don't want to do, is put YOUR ISSUES onto your child just because you feel a certain way about your penis. That wouldn't be fair to your child.
Thank you for this thread… apparently an adult procedure has gotten better and it's a 2 days recovery thing - so let the person decide when and if they need it.
No, leave it.