Back hair
I've been having an on again / off again relationship with my back hair. Some guys love it - others don't. I hate waxing
any tips on how to get rid of it easily and so that it won't grow back so fast?
It depends on how you feel about your back hair.I personally don't like hair, so i'd save up for electrolysis, so I would never have to deal with it again.
Laser can be a good solution, but I do not think it is that back havings hairs… I guess it depends on the personal tastes of the individual...
I think it's only your choice, if like it keep it, if you don't remove them.
However i found back hair sexy :laugh:
I'd say get rid of it. But I'm biased. Beyond a bit of leg, arm, chest, and groin hair, it gets excessive. Difficult thing is getting rid of back hair though. Laser hair removal seems a bit dramatic though. If your partner didn't like it, then they could help you shave. And if they didn't care, then don't put in the effort to get rid of it. Kinda a win-win.
The Norelco Bodygroom Series 3100, Shave and trim with back attachment, BG2034…has been a blessing. You can use the handle to reach all of your back as well as using it handless for the rest of's fairly quick and easy
I HATE mine. I now get it waxed once every 4 to 5 week. $40 + tip. so, cheaper than a night out. :cheesy2:
I don't care.
Especially guys who are Jewish, Italian or Arabic.
Most of them have back hair and don't even know it or care.
If you like it keep it. If your long time partner asks you to get it removed ask him for the money for laser surgery.
i don't like it when i see back hair, but it can be sexy to some guys i guess
Don't like it. Luckily mine isn't too bad.
i love it
just use home laser the most affordable option i guess its pretty cheap most devices are around 200-600$ its cheaper than salon laser but much more affordable you get result after 1 year every 2 week usage youll have 60% less hair and they are pretty thin you can wax them in salon you get 90% less hair at least but it costs around 4000$-8000$ depending on number of sessions.
I was lucky enough to be blessed with a smooth back.
I used to be really bothered by my hairy back but by now I have come to terms with it. It is just some hair…on your back...there's worse in live.
i am saving up for laser hair removal on my back.
Buy a Mangroomer. Electric shaver made specifically for your back. It's amazing!