[Resolved] Pic Browser Broken
If I use the browse function in firefox, I get an error and the page won't load.
TypeError: data is undefined
if (typeof(data.sql) != "undefined") {picbrowse.js?v=2 (line 117, col 21)
$.getJSON("https://www.gaytorrent.ru/2.0/ajax/picbrowse_ajax.php?callback=?", {format: "json", cats: checked, catsincl: subincl, catsexcl: subexcl, sdepth: settings.searchdepth, orderby: sortorder, last: lastcount, search: searchstr, where: settings.where, incldead: settings.incldead, sort: settings.sortby, orderby: settings.orderby }, function(data) { if (typeof(data.sql) != "undefined") { mylog("sql: \n" + data.sql + "\n"); } mylog(data.files.length + " files returned");
Yup, me too but then I only use that function when somebody says it is broken, just to check
it should be fixed now… if not, let me know
If I use the browse function in firefox, I get an error and the page won't load.
TypeError: data is undefined
if (typeof(data.sql) != "undefined") {picbrowse.js?v=2 (line 117, col 21)
$.getJSON("https://www.gaytorrent.ru/2.0/ajax/picbrowse_ajax.php?callback=?", {format: "json", cats: checked, catsincl: subincl, catsexcl: subexcl, sdepth: settings.searchdepth, orderby: sortorder, last: lastcount, search: searchstr, where: settings.where, incldead: settings.incldead, sort: settings.sortby, orderby: settings.orderby }, function(data) { if (typeof(data.sql) != "undefined") { mylog("sql: \n" + data.sql + "\n"); } mylog(data.files.length + " files returned");