Malfunctioning gaydar lol
my gaydar is completely ut of whack, i often mess up who i think is gay and not. what is the way to tell for sure if someone you know is gay?
100% foolproof way:
Have sex with them.
But seriously, nowadays you cannot tell for certain. Metrosexuality, the manly gays and the feminine heterosexuals, not to mention bisexuals….all is mixed up.
The only gay you can 100% detect is the Douchey Gay Hipster Bitchboy. I swear you can spot them from miles away. ;D
no real way except asking them lucky for me my gaydar works about 90% of the time lol.
If they've got your cock in their mouth or ass, it's a pretty safe bet they are either Gay, Bi, or too drunk to know what they are doing. (At least that's what they'll claim the next morning.)