Do you prefer paperback books or hardcover books?
Probably hardbacks, but I'll take anything, even some of the free stuff (say like at that's in .txt form. I've even taken the trouble of turning some of those .txt files into actual document form (.doc and .ods) which required line by line editing. This takes a while when it's Dickens
I'm a voracious reader. Apparently, when I came home from my first day at kindergarten I was totally pissed off and didn't want to go back because they were simply _not going to teach me to read that year.
Check out if you haven't seen it. Essentially a huge collection of erotic stories by amateurs. Some really suck badly, but some are pretty good.
Also, audio books can be interesting. There's audio versions that you can find (used to at any rate) that are not simply read, but are done pretty much like a radio play with various actors and sound effects. You really have no idea what you've missed until you hear a good radio play. It is no wonder that earlier families would gather 'round and stare at the radio. "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" was originally a radio program before it became a book. This type of radio is awesome!!_
I find Paperbacks are easier to read in bed and on planes, dont have to wing the elbows too much causing discomfort for who ever is seated alongside :cheesy2:
Paperbacks. I mean, hardcovers are more durable, but paperbacks weigh less.
Once I get an e-reader I'm sure that'll become a competitor, but for now I'm an all-Canadian paperback.
I prefer hardbacks, especially for new releases.
I tend to buy hardback and e-reader versions for the books I like.For older books that might not have an electronic version I'll pick up a second-hand paperback version so my hardback can stay in nice condition on the bookshelf.
I like hardcover books, but they're too expensive so I just get paperback if I really like the author. Otherwise, pirate teh ebook!
Me personally its about the book I am reading rather than the format - Hardback, Softback, Kindle as long as i can read I'm happy..
For me the inner is more important than the cover
I read whatever it is. Harcover, paperback, e-book, .cbr (for comics). Funny thing is, while I can read on my smartphone thanks to an Epub reader, I can't stand reading for a long time in front of my laptop.
Due to price reasons I usually buy paperbacks. The book is virtually the same and it costs less. Unless it is a special edition or has high quality images or is a special book I love…then I go for the hardcover.
i'm all about ebooks; it's so nice to switch on night view and read in bed with the lights out before going to sleep ^^
I will go for paperback. In fact, I think mass paperback is even better, since its a lot smaller and lighter (plus mass paperback books get a great vintage smell after some years and as a fan of secondhand books it's one of the big pros for me). Next I would go with hardcover, which I personally don't prefer since it bothers me that I cannot flip the cover and the pages I already read back. Last I would go with ebooks, they are pretty handy and can be easily downloaded for free and they are great for textbooks and general interest books but nothing compares to the real thing when it comes to novels; you need to feel the pages in order to feel the story.
I of course prefer hardcovers.. (even though it's true it's not very easy to handle in the metro for instance) but in France there is no such thing anymore, you only get cheap crappy paperback for the same price as an hardcover ( a new book that has just been released cost around 20 euros then you have to wait about 1 year and the book is re-edited in a cheap pocket format for around 8 euros).. So I have to buy books in english abroad online to get hardbacks..
I refer paperbacks to hardbacks, just as they are easier to use.
I definitely prefer a book to an ebook, although ebooks are good for when traveling.
I far prefer paperback books over hardcovers and have paid extra for that version. They're just so much easier for me to hold. Lately, I've gotten some into reading ebooks just because they're more available, but it's not the same joy as when I was an English major and would read up to 14 hours a day.
Paperback mainly cause its cheaper
i still prefer paperbacks. there cheaper, and lighter, and easier to hold (they flex better). but i can't stand those tiny mass-market paperbacks. they're an awkward size to hold, that also means they don't usually stay open very well, and the text and text block are too small - if you ask me, mass-markets are an inferior product in general.
it's not very often i get a hardback book. unless it's a certain author or maybe some sort of special occasion book (for lack of a better word) - J.K. Rowling (and her other pen name Robert Galbraith) for example.
i think it's cool that we have e-books now. they're much more cost friendly, they don't use paper, and along with self publishing allows authors more control over their work and more of the sales profit, etc. but i just can't seem to make the switch. it's just a completely different reading experiencei would rather turn pages and be able to view my collection on the shelf. my book cases are a thing of pride for me.
Paperback when travelling or out of town work, they are easy and light to carry. At home, hardbound :cool2:
paperback as I go through books too quickly
Definitely paperback. When I bought physical books, I always waited until they came out in soft cover - that hard cover junk annoyed me to no end.
But ultimately, e-books are win: you can read them on your phone, tablet, ipad, and an e-reader : and when it comes time to pack up and move, it's 1000x lighter. Convenience is win (after all, if you have at least 3 of the above mentioned things; then battery isn't an issue ;o) I /love/ the digital age.
bareback books or hardcore books :cheers: