Is gay marriage legal in your country?
In the U.S.A. it was handed down by the Supreme Court to make gay marriage legal. Although there are many out there still still having a problem with it. There are still states that has housing & employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
YES!!! In ARGENTINA marriage and adoption is legal!!!
Not yet, but we're getting there, with the first quasi-marriage happening earlier this year (by that I mean, it was officiated by the smaller government body, but not the larger one). The problem isn't so much that people have a moral objection to it as that it gets very little attention and there isn't a lot of activism trying to make it happen. I believe if there was a genuine push for it, very few Japanese would have much of an objection to it. Every single political party currently in power supports it, so …
Yes the Republic of Ireland. The first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote (we had a national referendum)… by a huge majority too :love: :cheers: :love:
In Brazil it is countrywide since 2013, but my state legalised it in 2011 (we were the second in the country) and adoption is ok since 2009, if i'm not wrong :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :hug:
No. Czech Republic.
In Brazil it is. But life didn't get much better… this place is still hell for gay people, disguised to the rest of the world as an open and accepting friendly place.
In Argentina gay marriage is legal, and there is a relative tolerant enviroment for homosexuals. Gays has converted in clasists and conservative people, contradictorily
Not yet. Here in Italy it will be discussed by the Parliament later this month and it might become legal soon. Just not as marriage but as civil partnership. The difference will mainly be that homosexual civil partners won't be able to adopt, but only adopt the partner's children (stepchild adoption).
Italy is still in the middle ages, an endless limbo due to the redundant presence of the Vatican and the fascist political inherited from the last century.
A sort of amputated law for the civil union is still in discuss, but sincerely I prefer nothing to the garbage Italy is giving lgbt community! -
In the USA it is, except for certain Territories and some Indian Tribes.
Yep. Don't believe in marriage, but it's nice to have equal rights.
Yup, we have civil unions and marriage if the church agrees. Fostering and Adoption are also allowed.
Yes! It is legal in Portugal since 2010! And gay couples can now adpot as well!
The only thing that lacks now is the Surrogacy! I really hope we can get it too!
yes! sweden
of course it is ! happy with this answer are you?…
Not here in Chile, but Next door in Argentina yes. In fact, in Buenos Aires you can get your citizenship by marrying a person of the same sex, That's really progressive.