Jock itch did something bad to my groin :(
Hello, I'm new here… I recently suffered from jock itch for several days, but it's gone now. I managed to make it stop by putting some anti-fungal cream onto the affected areas in my groin. It's gone, but it caused hyperpigmentation on my groin and made it really dark around my balls. Has anyone experienced this and perhaps resolved this? :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
I have used anti-fungal cream before, thou not in the groin area and it has discoloured the skin and also made a mess of the clothing it got on. Sadly the clothes were ruined, but the affected areas returned to normal after a few weeks, so don't worry too much.
From my experiences itchy balls may not necessarily be jock itch, especially if it only lasts a few days. Jock itch usually takes longer to clear. It's usually the scratching that breaks skin cells and causes them to harden/flake/discolour, so I find that taking a Benedryl (diphenhydramine) works well when you just can't stop scratching. That being said skin always does a good job returning to the way it was, so you don't have to worry.
i had jock itch when i was a teen and the dark pigmentation stayed in my inner thighs until 2yrs ago when i found in the internet a home made scrubbing recipe that scrubbed out the dark pigmentation between my inner thighs and even my armpits. just mix baking soda (NOT BAKING POWDER. thats different) and virgin coconut oil into a thick paste and rub on wet skin with moderate pressure on the darkened area. you can do this when you are already wet in the shower but before you use your soap so you can rinse it off. you will notice a difference after 5 applications. the darkened patch of my skin is almost the same color as my thighs. do not overscrub though and it is best you use it around twice a week to help your skin recover. it's like a micro dermabration treatment at home. goodluck!
Thanks everyone for your suggestions
I'll try the baking soda+coconut oil tip first :love: :love: :love:
it's the jock itch itself which causes the discoloyration, it can take around 4 weeks to clear up after you've got rid of the infection, I'd just wait and see if it goes, then if not try the baking soda, you may also find it called sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda.
Has anyone here gotten rid of the rash? Jock itch rash… This is really bad :cry2:
Has anyone here gotten rid of the rash? Jock itch rash… This is really bad :cry2:
i see it has not cleared up. what you want to do is to keep your groin area dry as possible always. refrain from wearing tight underwear or pants as much as you can. i suggest buying a new set of underwear for the duration as your old underwear may be re-infecting you with the fungus. buy cotton only, get the cheaper ones cause you are not going to wear them again and you need to throw them away when the rash clears up. my doctor gave me some oatmeal based soap to wash the rash area then. get some body powder with zinc, the anti itch kind and powder your inner thighs often. the secret to cure this is to keep dry so the fungus dies.