Laglag Bala in the Philippines.
This sucks, the tourism here in the Philippines is affected by this issue.
I'm really frustrated by the lack of effort on the part of the government to solve these problems, and the constant downplaying of the issues as if it's irrelevant that this is happening; President Noynoy's insistence that the issue has been sensationalised doesn't touch on the fact that it still occurs and at a much greater number than it SHOULD. What's worse is that the instances of these planted bullets have only increased in the last few years! To be fair, this problem wouldn't have existed if the Senate did a better job and noticed the giant loophole that causes merely carrying bullets, even without a gun or any means of using the bullets at all, causes a ground for arrest.
Philippine government is full or corruption. Money talks in all governments around the world. Look at the U.S. government, Congress getting kickbacks, and paid off to do favor for the people that have the money and all other has to deal with it. The fools here in the U.S. can putting these jerks in power. Until the people get together and make a stand as one, not much is done to help the middle and lower class people.
im a pinoy and i am ashamed for what our police force has done to our foreign visitors and local overseas workers.