No IMDb Link for Movie, TV, Video or Short
If you uploaded or have some information about Movie, TV, Video or Short (mostly it's Shorts) which not to be found in IMDb yet, please post it here, so I'll submit it to IMDb. You can post any genre (not only LGBT Themed) but gay themed will be our highest priority.
I have this idea long time ago and still working on it now, to improve gay themed database on IMDb (which is sadly so small and lack, that's why we have this difficulties to find more trusted info about an independent and low budget gay themed movie or short).
So, please help, I need your hands, and thank you.
:hug2: -
2222, I missed this before. But I will certainly try to keep it in mind. Now I need to check which ones didn't have a IMDB link
Thanks for your efforts
Too be honest, the documentary SoleJourney is the absolute first thing that I have never been able to find on IMDB. But, I am sure that everything can stand improvements and additions.
we could make it a kind of trivia game…. to see who can find titles NOT on IMDB.... No prizes of course (unless cyber smooches count)....
2222, I missed this before. But I will certainly try to keep it in mind. Now I need to check which ones didn't have a IMDB link
Thanks for your efforts
Too be honest, the documentary SoleJourney is the absolute first thing that I have never been able to find on IMDB. But, I am sure that everything can stand improvements and additions.
we could make it a kind of trivia game…. to see who can find titles NOT on IMDB.... No prizes of course (unless cyber smooches count)....
There are many actually, especially gay themed movie. Most of them are short films.
Interesting about the trivia game. But, our angle is shorten because only LGBTQ Themed Movie we can upload here, would make the game difficult. But, how do you think we would play this game? Rules and/or instructions?
Anyway, I just got news that the Sole Journey (2009) already Approved for Publication, now we only wait until the link live on IMDb.
Its finally live! Sole Journey (2009) :cheesy2:
Okay, now I need to figure out how to get a page on IMDB created…....
First Out : Vol. 3 has an IMDB page ehre:
But apparently IMDB has not found the Vol. 1 nor Vol. 2 worthy of created a page for them,….. (yet?)
I've checked that dave after seeing your upload and thanks for post it here.
I made some research, that this First Out is a compilation of short story. Mostly, every short already have their own IMDb page, that's why compilation is rarely listed in one title in IMDb. For example, you will not find Boys On Film on IMDb, but if your search each one of the short film in it, you will find them as single page for each short story.
I don't know how First Out : Vol. 3 got its page on IMDb. I've tried to submit Vol 1 & 2, but lack of evidence and data. Sorry about this one.
Just as an added tidbit. IMDB use the cover picture of the collection for each individual short it seems (I haven't checked them all). Possibly because they don't have an alternative.
Can I add another soupcon?
I was wandering around IMDB last night (cannonmc, you need a proper hobby!) and was really surprised that there is no list of lists. You have to stumble across them by chance
Sadly, only the right owner of the film and (maybe) user with IMDb Pro account can upload pictures, covers and posters. That's why, for non-popular movie lack of pictures.
Try Keywords. You almost find anything from there.
Interesting, thanks for the info. I've never really gone far in IMDB except searching for titles and occasionally using keywords. I never registered there or learned how things work
…I never registered there or learned how things work
You should! When I found IMDb about 6 years ago, it was like found a movie heaven. From IMDb I got my first list of gay movie. Since then, I'm addicted. I don't know how to live without IMDb now :afr: :pope: :hehe:
With gay shorts I can at least name up to 50 but with full length there is this indie gay themed film that up to now have no IMDb entry, its title is Fall Hot Rain 2006
Thanks for the head up. I think we can added Fall, Hot Rain (2006) up.
Please, post here all the shorts with no IMDb entry. I'll try to work them all
How about the Gthai movie series? Even some softcore and hardcore have IMDb title entry (for example, like eurocreme amongst other)
Its all good! As long as under review they have "enough" data for verification, it'll be accepted.
Added to IMDB March 2021 (Thanks @2222 !)
All About My Father (2010)
New IMDB Link:
An omnibus queer movie about three fathers with families.
Part 1: "My Father's Desire" is about a father who feels desire because of his son.
Part 2: "My Father's Truth" is about father and son, who are drawn to one man.
Part 3: "My Father's Secret" talks about a father who finds a gay magazine in his kindergartener son's bag.
Directors: Lee Sang-woo, Kim Hun
Stars: Lee Sang-woo, Kim Hun
This post is deleted! -
Added to IMDB March 2021 (Thanks @2222 !)
Breakfast and Dinner (2013) Isipin Mong Magsinungaling, Puso Pa Rin Ang Aamin (2013) (2020) -
IMDB Linked March 12, 2021 (Thanks @2222 !)
For Your Gods (2016) Short
New IMDB Link:
English | Subtitles: Chinese and English | USA (Short 2M:33S) Venfield 8
Stars: Brian Maier