Personnal issue
I'm feeling weird, lately. I don't how I'm feeling. It's weird. A couple of week ago I had this dream where someone asked: 'why aren't you happy?, you got a well paid job that you like, a BF that loves you, a family that supports you and friends that are always there for you. Seems you got everything to be happy. And I just answered I'm still missing something. When I woke up everything in that dream was true its like I was talking to myself during my sleep. Anyways.
Anyone ever felt this way before? like something was missing? something was wrong? Can't figure it out.
Help lol -
You have been trapped by the 'happiness myth': the absurd rule that society imposes us that says we must be always happy and complete. That's untrue. You are not feeling completely happy nor complete because it is impossible to be always like that. You just have to realise that you don't need to be complete, that you don't need to be always looking for something, for more. Not beeing happy is ok. Not feeling well is acceptable. We look at Facebook and Instagram pages and are bombarded by happy and smiley faces on a daily basis, but all that are lies, are façades. Don't fool yourself believing the world is a good place and that life is happy and plentiful. As Buddhists - and Goths - often state: we are here to suffer. Embrace that and I bet you will feel slightly better
It is hard, though, and may take you some thinking and meditation time.
Hmmm… I might be wrong but I think you are not truly happy with your BF right now and because of that you are thinking that well, you still must be thankful because you have your family, your job and your friends. Maybe your BF loves you, but he doesn't love you like the way you expect him to. This creates frustration. This creates a little bit of depression. You are shy to tell your BF that you don't feel that he is giving you enough love and attention.
The one that I learn lately is that happiness do not depend how sufficient things are, but give thanks and thankfulness for everything that we have, even though how small they are.
sounds very weird, have you thought of seeing a professional to discuss with?
I have to say that it sounds like you still expect something more to come around that corner to complete your life and it's not happening as fast as you would like it to. That's all well and good but you need to talk about this with a counselor or a professional. Maybe they can give you some insights into what you might be missing or think that you might be missing.
It worked for me.
Good luck.