Biggest Gym Pet Peeve
I have to say my biggest peeve is when people don't put their equipment away. It's just SO_SIMPLE.
I don't know how 'Flexing/Checking themselves out in the mirror' can be a peeve… I love it when they are either naked or nearly naked and flexing in the mirror. :surprise:
Never cleaning equipment after use
I'd say people hogging equipment is what annoys me most. If they're actually using the equipment I don't really care, but if they're just chit chatting it gets on my nerves.
People who refuse to clean up equipment they have just used.
Dirty showers!
I picked Hogging…however I do it often. :cheesy2:
I go from piece of equipment to piece of equipment, usually 4 exercises for 3 sets. I am not bothered if someone takes a piece of equipment, or a weight. If that happens I just improvise.