Do you think a time will come when explicit sex is not taboo in movies?
I mean its the most natural thing… sex that is. Why is society so prudish?
No, because its a different aspect. Explicit sex is one of so many film's keywords. It will develop as the time goes, but won't be custom like culture.
I think the reason that it will remain off-limits is due to the age, gender, and religious diversity of people who watch movies. However, I could see movies released in two dvd formats where an unrated version contains more explicit material becoming more common than it is now.
Well, I guess You haven't watched "Nymphomaniac" or "Yo Puta". If that's what explicit means to You
I think it could happen but it would not happen in our lifetime maybe another couple generations down the line I would guess. Look at how things have changed through time. In the 1800s women had to wear many layers then over time it became less & less to where in the 1930s two piece bathing suits came into being and were kind of taboo for another decade.